San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. There are currently 34 dogs that need a rescue/foster/adoption hold by 11:30 am CT on 2/3

2025.02.01 18:51 SusanRiceArtStudio San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. There are currently 34 dogs that need a rescue/foster/adoption hold by 11:30 am CT on 2/3

San Antonio TX ACS Euthanasia List. There are currently 34 dogs that need a rescue/fosteadoption hold by 11:30 am CT on 2/3 submitted by SusanRiceArtStudio to PetEuthanasiaList [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 kodeepea Gigachad Beethoven

Gigachad Beethoven submitted by kodeepea to musicmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 _ODgreen13 [WTS] BCM Kino 12.5”, BabyCog TA44, Mega upper receiver, surplus carry handle

Kino package: Kino upper, BCM BCG, VLTOBCM Mod3 charging handle, QRF10, MCMR10 (with all hardware for both). Everything is new/unfired, purchased several years ago. Originally it came on a keymod rail which I have since removed. All in I’d like to get $850. If someone just wants the upper(no handguards, no bcg, no charging handle) I will pull the BCM barrel nut and install a milspec barrel nut, delta ring assembly and triangle or circle end cap. Just the stripped upper: $500.
Trijicon TA44 ACOG / RTR reticle: LGS display/never mounted, zero range days: This is the version that can be mounted in the carry handle: $750
Mega upper receiver: New: $75
Cardinal marked carry handle: $60
PPFF, Venmo, Zelle
submitted by _ODgreen13 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 racheloftv Finch as a Replacement

Today, I really wanted to send my dad a bit of an FU text, and as I was scrolling down to find the thread, I said, “nope! I am going to check out Finch instead.” And I didn’t send the nasty text.
submitted by racheloftv to finch [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 saxman_09 I can't get this combat system for the life of me.

When it comes to the training my ripost works, but then I move to actual enemies I only get perfect blocks or just a regular block. Not only that but I'm on the mission where I'm needing to take care of two bandits, I have a crappy short sword and a small shield. They then proceed to bum rush me, block every single counter strike I make against them. I feel like it's pure dumb luck if I manage to take even one of them down and even when I do that the other hits me 3 times and I'm almost dead. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong as earlier I was attacked by 3 random bandits and I had no issue with them because they weren't constantly attacking me.
submitted by saxman_09 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 drumorgan Got jumped into the gang…

Got jumped into the gang… submitted by drumorgan to KGATLWcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Status-River-386 É possível sonhar com a lista de espera?

submitted by Status-River-386 to fuvest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 KrisB-007 Lots of puts for QQQ

Lots of puts for QQQ submitted by KrisB-007 to OptionsMillionaire [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 the4kCollectivE Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook from Lionsgate Limited

Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook from Lionsgate Limited Kill Bill Volume 2 4K UltraHD Blu-ray steelbook | Lionsgate Limited Unboxing.
Only at
Be among the first to own the SteelBook® collector's editions of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. Available Now in 4K Ultra HD™ for the first time! Calling all cinephiles and Quentin Tarantino fans! Celebrate the legacy of one of cinema's most iconic directors with the brand-new collector's editions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. These meticulously crafted SteelBooks® are a must-have for any film enthusiast. Presented in spellbinding Dolby Vision® HDR and 4K Ultra HD for the first time ever, these stunning editions of Kill Bill Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 preserves Quentin Tarantino's cinematic vision and the richness of Robert Richardson's original cinematography, with the original 5.1 audio mix included per Tarantino's wishes. Featuring exclusive SteelBook® art by Matt Taylor and Oliver Barrett. Other new-to-4K Tarantino titles include Jackie Brown, also available in limited SteelBook® edition at
submitted by the4kCollectivE to the4kCollectivE [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 myLoveBleedsRed Is there a forum posted of past freestyle daily’s from various ships similar to RCCL’s cruise compasses?

Looking more specifically for 10 Day Alaska cruises on Joy.
submitted by myLoveBleedsRed to NCL [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 blindeyesred bullying silencioso + como fazer amigos fora da escola?

oi gente! é minha primeira vez fazendo um post aqui, tô com um pouco de medo mas espero que alguém consiga me ajudar.
eu tenho 16 anos (M), estou no terceiro ano do ensino médio e sempre fui uma pessoa muito tímida, porém na época de pandemia (2019-2023) fiz muitas amizades importantes na cidadezinha que eu morava, e foi um momento extremamente bom e agradável da minha vida, já tinha planejado todo o meu futuro e estava muito alegre com todo apoio que eu recebia dos meus amigos, até eu ter que mudar de cidade repentinamente pq a ex esposa do ex namorado da minha mãe estava nos perseguindo.
eu vim pra cidade que minha irmã e meu cunhado moram e acabei conseguindo bolsa de estudos em um colégio particular. depois de 1 ano e meio péssimo tendo que me manter sentada em uma mesa em que todas pessoas não me queriam lá, eu consegui fazer três amizades muito especiais: um menino e duas meninas. fiquei muito muito feliz pq com essas amizades eu conseguia me soltar muito mais e aproveitar melhor a escola (tanto no quesito social quanto nos estudos mesmo), mas esse ano o menino e uma das meninas tiveram que sair dela, e a outra menina que sobrou não fala mais tanto comigo pq arranjou outra amiga.
eu fiquei "abandonada" em um grupinho que conversava muito com esse meu amigo que saiu da escola e que às vezes conversavam comigo, e é tudo muito... desconfortável. eu tenho que ficar a aula toda escutando eles falando do quanto eles sentem saudades dele, do que ele faria em tal situação, de qual coisa ele diria, e eu não me sinto incomodada por ciúmes ou inveja, muito pelo contrário, eu sempre me senti muito feliz por ele ter esses amigos pq eu sei o quão ruim é se sentir solitária e tb sinto muitas saudades dele, mas o problema é que eles SÓ falam disso e isso me traz pensamentos muito depreciativos, pq agora eu fico sozinha no intervalo e consequentemente lembro dele com muita frequência.
eles agem como se eu nem estivesse ali. contando comigo são seis pessoas e na primeira atividade em dupla do ano eles se juntaram em um trio e uma dupla, então tive que fazer a atividade sozinha, e isso pq eu sento na mesma fileira que todos eles. isso tá acabando com a minha sanidade mental e não faz nem uma semana que as aulas começaram... e o pior de tudo na minha opinião é que eles fazem um tipo de exclusão/bullying silencioso muito cauteloso: conversam comigo às vezes (na maioria perguntando sobre qualquer um menos eu), tem um grupo do whatsapp comigo junto, sentam na mesma fileira, mas nada parece ser verdadeiro, é tudo muito forçado. algum de vcs já se sentiu assim alguma vez? poxa vida... não quero ser mal agradecida, até pq eles de certa forma estão me acolhendo, mas não consigo ficar bem com essa situação toda.
já pensei diversas vezes em mudar de escola mas isso seria um literal dinheiro jogado no lixo pois meus materiais já foram comprados e se eu me arrepender de ter mudado de escola não terei mais bolsa. conversei com uma amiga minha dessa cidade antiga que eu morava e ela me disse que levando em conta minha situação eu preciso pelo menos fazer algumas novas amizades que não sejam da escola, algo que me motive a continuar a estudar ao menos, pq sinceramente eu não consigo nem levantar da cama mais pra sair pra qualquer lugar sem sentir um aperto no peito e uma vontade de chorar.
queria pedir recomendações de lugares (sem ser escola/colégio, claro) em que vocês fizeram amigos, pode ser desde os lugares mais comuns até os mais inusitados! só pra eu ter uma ideia de como posso me motivar esse ano.
obrigada por ler até aqui!
submitted by blindeyesred to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 nowinde037 Formster on the Edge

Formster on the Edge submitted by nowinde037 to assettocorsa [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 LambentLycanthrope Will these be coming back? I missed them..

Will these be coming back? I missed them.. submitted by LambentLycanthrope to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Complex_Ad_7010 Pulled up in a box Chevy

Pulled up in a box Chevy The fly and jellyfish gangsters
submitted by Complex_Ad_7010 to supermariologan_ [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Even-Machine4824 why do people drive on winding roads? are they stupid?

why do people drive on winding roads? are they stupid? submitted by Even-Machine4824 to shitposting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Aivy_07 Randonnée Jura hiver ??

Bonjour tout le monde, est ce que vous auriez des randonnées boucles d’une durée maximum de 3h assez faciles à faire en famille autour de metabief (max 30min en voiture) en hiver svp ?? 🙏🏻
submitted by Aivy_07 to randonneur [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 FirinFlamin Solara Bootstrapper

Hello, I was looking for executor since my Sirhurt that I always using since stopped working that it was outdated and even its updated. so I am looking for new one and Found Solara, and Downloaded the bootstrapper and opened it, I started the install but it froze, and its didn't responding so I closed it and open it again but instant froze, not responding.. what can I do?
submitted by FirinFlamin to ROBLOXExploiting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 ontspanningsregelaar Best way to remove mill scale

What is the best way to get mill scale off steel plate? I tried flap disks, scotchbrite patch, grinding discs. It all does the trick but takes some effort. I have read about acid working pretty well. What would be the least time consuming way to get to the shiny steel without buying a fancy laser machine?
submitted by ontspanningsregelaar to Welding [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Effective_Birthday57 If Will Navidson and Tom are brothers, why does Will Navidsons mother refer to him as an only son?

I just finished reading Will Navidsons letters from his mom, and it leaves me puzzled. Why does his mother call him Johnny? Why does she say he’s an only child if Tom is a fraternal twin? I know it talks about him being adopted but it also says he and Tom are fraternal twins? Is this another look at how bad her mental health is that she forgot her other son Tom?
submitted by Effective_Birthday57 to houseofleaves [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Soft_Incident8543 [WTS] Strap Sale!!!! 18,19,20mm

[WTS] Strap Sale!!!! 18,19,20mm submitted by Soft_Incident8543 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 BuiltIN3days Offered federal deferred retirement is now the time to start?

So the gist of the question is what kind of volume would I have to sell to replace or improve my income.
Offered basically a layoff to get paid until September at my current rate. While looking for another job to free up government spending.
Recently licensed and have not hung my hat. What kind of volume would I need to sell in my first year to replace 150k in income.
submitted by BuiltIN3days to realtors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 capirefe Thumbnails

Thumbnails submitted by capirefe to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Redittor_53 Jugraj Singh of Shrachi Rarh Bengal Tigers wins the Top Scorer of the Tournament award in Hero Men’s Hockey India League 2025 with an impressive state of 12 goals this season.

Jugraj Singh of Shrachi Rarh Bengal Tigers wins the Top Scorer of the Tournament award in Hero Men’s Hockey India League 2025 with an impressive state of 12 goals this season. submitted by Redittor_53 to Indianfieldhockey [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 Time_Box_5352 Trying to stock up

Hi as many here, concerned about the upcoming stoppage. I recently saw a helpful post from a very knowledgeable Reddit user and can’t find it anymore. She did get me to use brello which was great. Least expensive. But now I’m not able to get from them because I did the 3 month. Also ordered from lumi meds and fifty 410. Don’t want to spend a fortune but any tips?
submitted by Time_Box_5352 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:51 HistoryPodcaster44 Name a time a show you were in or watching didn’t follow the licensing agreement.

Been asking around and found a lot of people have this same experience and wanted to expand the conversation.
For this case what are some examples of shows either you saw/were in/heard of that violated their licensing agreement by - Changing music, scenes, characters etc. - performed without a license
Anything of the sort is beneficial. Please include as much about the show as possible!
submitted by HistoryPodcaster44 to Broadway [link] [comments]