Sorare scouting

2025.02.01 19:30 charliejh10 Sorare scouting

Just started on sorare and the first two weeks struggled with scores. Wondering if you guys have any tips on what you do when scouting for a player??
submitted by charliejh10 to Sorare [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Swimming-Pay9875 Help don’t know if mold or just water damage how much is this gonna cost me MI?

Help don’t know if mold or just water damage how much is this gonna cost me MI? submitted by Swimming-Pay9875 to Roofing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 amgharrr Seriously how bad is this guy

submitted by amgharrr to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 BoogieMonster16 Her social media break lasted how many days? 🥴

Her social media break lasted how many days? 🥴 submitted by BoogieMonster16 to NAME_WORSE_BITCHES [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Baraaplayer هل في حد منكم زار حمودة من قبل؟

هل في حد منكم زار حمودة من قبل؟ في تبريرات بس الفكرة كيف انو الناس بتشوف دينها بشكل اعمى, وبنفس الوقت بتشوف الاغلاط بالاديان التانية
submitted by Baraaplayer to ExMuslimArab [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Logical_Tonight8739 Resources to learn about AI agents

Hey guys, if you are interested in learning about AI agents and explore some common business use cases of AI agents, check out,
submitted by Logical_Tonight8739 to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 PrinceOfPembroke How many sac outlets is too many?

I am running a Caesar deck, looking for ways to use sac outlets to either protect me and my board via [[Martyr's Cause]] and [[Fanatical Devotion]] or go aggressive via [[Goblin Bombardment]], and I wondering if I am stuffing too many in the deck and risking getting lots of outlets and not enough ways to make tokens. What balance do you guys use for token generation / destruction?
submitted by PrinceOfPembroke to EDH [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Serious-Clue-4716 What’s going on?

What’s going on? 22f, recently with the trump stuff going on I understand my life will not be the same, there are many things that will change, recently however I have fallen in love? For the first time in 3 years, it’s new, sudden, and everything I’ve ever wanted but I’m scared, I am always grinding, virgo sun and ascendent so I work work work and I am very ambitious I just don’t want this love to distract me, or make my life harder. Thoughts ? I don’t know how to read charts it would help me greatly. Thank you
submitted by Serious-Clue-4716 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 01-February-2025 19:30:36

Test body 01-February-2025 19:30:36
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Corundex The Chase star Mark Labbett flaunts incredible 10-stone weight loss in mirror selfie - Mirror Online

Mark Labbett, famously known as The Beast from The Chase, has stunned fans with his remarkable 10-stone weight loss transformation
submitted by Corundex to iGoalPro [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 wormtool And some people say romance is dead

And some people say romance is dead You know where this is, you don’t need me to tell you.
submitted by wormtool to 2westerneurope4u [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 yourbasicgeek Birthright citizenship battle ignites questions about Wabanaki rights

submitted by yourbasicgeek to NativeAmerican [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 ConsequenceRegular59 Has anyone ever tried to turn bisque-ware back into workable clay, everyone says it’s impossible

submitted by ConsequenceRegular59 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 AndroidCyanide I needed 1 more SPD roll to hit break point...this can't be real

I needed 1 more SPD roll to hit break point...this can't be real submitted by AndroidCyanide to StarRailStation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Hopeful-Bicycle7963 Overwhelmed after getting a puppy

I got a puppy back in October. I adore her but I’m starting to feel defeated. As is, I found it hard to exist as a functioning adult and was already overwhelmed by the activities of daily living and my environment.
I was hoping getting a puppy would help me have to stick to a routine so that I could feel more comfortable and function at a higher level. Since getting her Ive basically become a full time pet parent. Taking care of myself in any capacity has been extremely difficult and I end up neglecting myself because I end up so drained by the time I finally have a second to myself. I also work from home and have been unintentionally slacking due to being drained and just constantly on edge.
My chest is constantly tight. I havent had a second to decompress. Even now Im typing this while walking her. The second I wake up in the morning Im putting energy into her. Ive had anxiety nausea for weeks now. Idk what to do.
I love her and know the puppy phase is especially challenging so Im trying to be patient. Im looking for advice on balancing living with tism and balancing caring for a puppy. (Or if you have a human baby feel free to share advice too. I’ve heard those are even worse on the mental health)
How are we coping with puppy overwhelm and living in what feels like constant fight or flight?
submitted by Hopeful-Bicycle7963 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Sakinara you guys wanna see the car i bought with the money i stole from you 😁🤩

submitted by Sakinara to sellaslifesciences [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 External-Abject Royal Rumble 2025

Any bar in the area playing the royal rumble tonight?
submitted by External-Abject to minnesota [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Used-Championship-69 making detailed custom subs for 6 dollars

what i’ll provide:

submitted by Used-Championship-69 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Frontiersafe Youth skate upgrade

Hi everyone. I need to upgrade my sons skates, however the nearby stores doesn’t have the correct size right now.
I’ve found someone nearby selling some Bauer Vapor 3xpro used ones.
Will these skates be to stiff ?He’s only 5 and a half but been skating for 1.5-2 years and is among the better skaters in his group.
Thank you
submitted by Frontiersafe to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Practical-Plan-2560 o1 or o3-mini?

Which is better? And why? And which are you using more?
submitted by Practical-Plan-2560 to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 curlynyc2 How can find out the US account holder's name if I have the US account number and routing number? There are 3 account numbers at the same bank. I am concerned about improper endorsement of these check / co-mingling of funds which are red flags.

submitted by curlynyc2 to Banking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Maximum_Lake3881 cute? 🖤

cute? 🖤 submitted by Maximum_Lake3881 to TransGoth [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 kontiki20 John McDonnell on where Rachel Reeves is going wrong

John McDonnell on where Rachel Reeves is going wrong submitted by kontiki20 to LabourUK [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Klxrelic Stuck?

Stuck? This is as far as I get now... Cleared cache, reinstalled game... Nope, stuck at 86 each and every time
submitted by Klxrelic to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 alien-X3 could i have osdd?

ive recently been informed that it is not actually normal to have a little voice in your head that can talk to you, and like appear in your mind (??) so i did research and found out that i relate to a lot of DID and OSDD symptoms (mostly osdd). so, somewhere around november i realized there was a voice in my head. she told me a lot about herself, i nicknamed her Jay because she couldn't remember her name, but knew it started with a J. she's 16 and is a mental hospital patient. and we're able to communicate pretty much anytime we want to. also, Jay has only "took control" once, and that was at the end of school for only a few minutes. i was fully aware of everything Jay was doing, but it was like i couldnt control myself. idk it was weird. but i really do love Jay, she's very comforting and understanding. i dont know what to tell my parents or my doctor. i dont have a therapist i can talk to right now either. should i tell someone? or does this sound like some other mental disorder? is there any important information i should know about osdd?
submitted by alien-X3 to OSDD [link] [comments]