The top news pictures from Western Australia in January

2025.02.02 00:35 GeorgeYDesign The top news pictures from Western Australia in January

The top news pictures from Western Australia in January submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 OmniVyerse u/KURU_TEMiZLEMECi_OL'un Kloroform'u-Fanart

u/KURU_TEMiZLEMECi_OL'un Kloroform'u-Fanart submitted by OmniVyerse to Sanatolia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Majestic_Willow2760 How do you share potions of wisdom?

Hi, I don’t really understand how you’re supposed to share the potions of wisdom, I tried once with my friends and it didn’t work or does it need to be a small one? 🥰
submitted by Majestic_Willow2760 to StarStable [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 No_Idea8376 Looking for Advice on Buying a House in Norfolk – Areas to Avoid?

My husband and I are planning to buy a house in the Hampton Roads area, specifically in Norfolk. We’re curious to hear from locals—are there any streets or areas in Norfolk that you would absolutely not buy a house at? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by No_Idea8376 to norfolk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 ReleaseOk5216 Up 4 up

submitted by ReleaseOk5216 to needkarma [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 GeorgeYDesign People power and climate concern make Fremantle a seat to watch

People power and climate concern make Fremantle a seat to watch submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Allbiggz91 33 M keep me company.

I'm a 33yr old black male. Originally from the Virgin Islands, living in Florida as a boat mechanic.
Currently having a drink and cleaning the office. lets chat about whatever. If your killing time or just wondering on life, or just want an online friend, I'm here for you tonight have all night
submitted by Allbiggz91 to chat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 raizenkempo Just playing Bushido Blade

Just playing Bushido Blade submitted by raizenkempo to BushidoBlade [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 GeorgeYDesign Alice Bennett is the Queensland outback's 76yo motorcycling barista

Alice Bennett is the Queensland outback's 76yo motorcycling barista submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Jgaj2019 What color knobs for this cabinet?

What color knobs for this cabinet? submitted by Jgaj2019 to kitchenremodel [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Character_Safety_734 Claire was a worse friend than Lizzie

I don't understand why most people in this fandom think that Lizzie was the toxic one & that Claire "endured Lizzie too long". When I was reading B13 back then, I wasn't a fan of Lizzie, but I still noticed that Claire was not interested in Lizzie & never worried about her.. when she was angry that they were with the boys & then made fun of it with the boys? When Lizzie ran to the toilet crying in K13 and Shannon showed more empathy for Lizzie, it already showed me that Claire was not a good friend. In T7 this was only reinforced.. I especially remember the introduction of Mark and that she said the real reason why she didn't like Mark was that he treated Gibsie badly? And then throughout the book tried to stay neutral, not to take any sides (it wasn't even about Gibs and Liz, but about Mark and Liz) & then complained to Hugh because he called Mark a rapist? It was not about her remaining neutral between the two, she was neutral with a rapist who was obviously burdening her friend mentally? Then the argument is often taken that Claire is so selfless and went to Lizzie's mother and told her about sh without talking to Lizzie.. but it was literally mentioned pages before that Claire only felt bad because she was quiet with Shannon. Instead of at least talking to Lizzie, she wanted to make up with Shannon, it was only about her conscience. She didn't care about the topic at all, if she never talked about sh again, nor did she inquire about her mother who was in the hospital. When Hugh talks to Lizzie about it at the winter ball, does she attack Lizzie first, even though Hugh hints that she is mentally sick? Then she complained in the course of the book that Lizzie is now better with Shannon, but doesn't wonder what's wrong with Lizzie? You have seen through her outbursts of anger that she is not doing well & even Feely, Hugh have talked about it that something is different with her..? Claire was just ignorant and didn't care about Lizzie, I find the narrative that Lizzie was a bad friend confusing when both were toxic to each other. I can imagine that in C10 we will have more insights, how toxic their friendship was for Lizzie this time (and then people will say "She makes other people look bad, to make us like Lizzie) & if in T7 Claire already came across so toxic, I don't know what else should come in C10, there are also snippets that she tells Lizzie, she doesn't deserve hapiness etc. & I want or can't imagine that their friendship can ever become normal? Lizzie's behavior can be attributed to her bpd and trauma, but Claire's ignorant behavior has no explanation, they're toxic for eachother and I don’t want them to become "best friends“ again (when they actually ever were)
submitted by Character_Safety_734 to hughielizzie [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Hefty-Metal9524 EU VOLTEI

EU VOLTEI submitted by Hefty-Metal9524 to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 No_Earth8026 Royal Jelly Glass Chain 🌙

submitted by No_Earth8026 to headyglass [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 GeorgeYDesign Ceasefire brings bittersweet reunions in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza

Ceasefire brings bittersweet reunions in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Just_someone-living In a genshin yt short

In a genshin yt short submitted by Just_someone-living to ihavereddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Old-Job8488 Pourquoi existe t’il peu de site comme Youtube?

Salut Je voulais savoir pourquoi youtube détient toujours le monopole de video en streaming et n’a toujours pas été détrôner par une autre compétiteur ? Je me pose la question car il y a tellement de censure sur Youtube et pourquoi personne essaie de créer le même genre de site web meme si c’est petit à petit ?
submitted by Old-Job8488 to etsmtl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 isemaker [WTS] L3 Marked Eotech Exps2-0, PA SLX 1x Green, Surefire X300U-A with XT00, TLR-7a, TLR-7

Timestamp: More pics:

Prices are shipped(and insured for the eotech). Comment, then pm. I will not pm first. Please stay safe from scammers.
submitted by isemaker to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 GeorgeYDesign Photographers capture musicians at street festival creating a decade-long record

Photographers capture musicians at street festival creating a decade-long record submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 francesfarmer98 Story post templates. Spread the word!

Story post templates. Spread the word! submitted by francesfarmer98 to 50501 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Large_Albert148 Game master public

Making game master public?
I have created my own combat scenario in game master. Is there any way that I, a regular player, can release it to the public as a server for people to play on?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Large_Albert148 to arma [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 dtf2013 32M4F - lets be open books together

Sorry fellas, ladies only. Age/location doesn’t matter.
Hi there! I’m searching for someone that’s longing for some human connection. I’m tired of quick chats, ghosting etc. I’m here for the long run.
About myself: I’m 32, married, father of 2. I love being outdoors, sports, cars, traveling, cooking, gaming, I have plenty of favorite movies/tv shows to discuss.
I’m up for chatting about anything, come ready to get to know each other!
submitted by dtf2013 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 ZCW7792 What do you think brandon

What do you think brandon submitted by ZCW7792 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 TrainingOk1978 Help! Important ba ang level of hospital or bed-capacity na employed ka before when you have future plans of applying abroad?

Hello po! I'm a newly licensed nurse and curious lang po ako if saan ako dapat specifically mag-apply right now if may plans ako to apply abroad in the future.
Nagmamatter po ba kung level 3 sila or malaki ang bed capacity?
Thank you so much po in advance sa sasagot!
submitted by TrainingOk1978 to NursingPH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Particular_Bird_2160 Pay schedule

So I started at Walmart today (orientation) and my next day is Monday just to finish my training on the computer and my first full day is Feb 8th, when would I get paid? I haven’t worked a bi weekly job in sooo long lol. I saw that the pay period ends on the 14th so would I get paid then since I started in the middle of the pay period?
submitted by Particular_Bird_2160 to walmart [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:35 Preamblist Greensboro Sit-ins Begin Feb 1, 1960

February 1, 1960- On this day, four black college freshmen in Greensboro, North Carolina started perhaps the most famous and influential sit-ins of the civil rights movement. Inspired by previous non-violent protests, the four men sat at a Woolworth’s ‘whites only’ lunch counter and ordered coffee and donuts. As they expected, the staff did not serve them and then the store manager asked them to leave but they stayed until the store closed that night. The next day more than twenty black students requested and were denied service at the same counter and were harassed by other customers, but they stayed for four hours doing homework. That night students organized the Student Executive Committee for Justice and sent a letter to the president of Woolworth stating, “…Time and time again we have gone into Woolworth stores in Greensboro. We have bought thousands of items at the hundreds of counters in your stores. Our money was accepted without rancor or discrimination, and with politeness towards us, when at a long counter just three feet away our money is not acceptable because of the colour of our skins...... We are asking your company to take a firm stand to eliminate discrimination.” The next day, over sixty students including from a high school and women’s college were refused service at the same lunch counter and were heckled. The next day on February 4th, around 300 students showed up and expanded the protest to the lunch counter at another store, S.H. Kress & Co. Day after day, students continued showing up and after forty-five were arrested for trespassing, they launched a boycott of multiple Greensboro stores with segregated lunch counters driving their sales down by a third. On July 25, 1960 the Greensboro Woolworth finally did the right thing and served four of their black employees to mark the desegregation of the lunch counter. Then management of the larger company desegregated most of its stores. During and after the Greensboro sit-ins, the movement spread to other cities mostly in the South with an estimated 70,000 participants. During the Greensboro sit-ins, President Eisenhower stated, that he was “deeply sympathetic with the efforts of any group to enjoy the rights of equality that they are guaranteed by the Constitution.” These rights are also stated in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
For sources go to (February 1, 1960)
submitted by Preamblist to USHistory [link] [comments]