2024.11.26 23:29 Key_Conversation9387 F22 down for meet up
submitted by Key_Conversation9387 to nmt [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 Nailys_boyfriend How's your mental health today?
The words don't look good weirdly trimmed i know :(, the drawing app i use does that for some reason submitted by Nailys_boyfriend to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 wandering_mp Please help suggest a laptop for this solo women in her mid 30"s!
Essentially I need a new laptop (I haven't owned a personal one for a decade now)
Main tasks: internet browsing/writing/some basic photo editing/watching movies/playing music
I may start some courses around coding due to work shifts and the need to upskill.
My budget is around $1000 - $1300 AUD which is around $650 - $850 USD.
I'm looking at either potentially the Surface Pro or Surface Laptop (I would need to strech my budget for that) or the current black friday deal on the Lenovo Yoga 7 2 in 1 - which I'm most keen on.
I don't have a tablet so having a 2 in 1 seems fun and practical maybe in my case.
Please let me know if I should consider other contenders and what to look out for as I'm so new to the market!
submitted by wandering_mp to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 BattleCatManic Posting The Noise until I run out of The Noise day 176
submitted by BattleCatManic to PizzaTower [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 GuybrushMarley2 Here we go
submitted by GuybrushMarley2 to CapitalOne_ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 CheetahNightStudios Caulifla redesign! (With gang themes and tail!) WIP not done with full colors and sheet
submitted by CheetahNightStudios to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 Excellent-Message596 Who keeps deleting and then coming back? Let’s jerk and chat. 052d02f359ac514362e3a4bc82c039d75f96730aa651643af0501ce23286ea9d40
submitted by Excellent-Message596 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 Autistic-Bug2099 Buenos Aires
submitted by Autistic-Bug2099 to fotografiaBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 OUAKRIM444 DARK HUMOR, it's like food, not everyone gets it
My first post in this sub. submitted by OUAKRIM444 to 2mediterranean4u [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 InternationalLog8532 Is this good or need change
I AM NEW TO pc building and want to know if this is good or will work I would like to keep the Video card and cooler as I have already bought them everything else can be switched just need any tips or suggestions on it
submitted by InternationalLog8532 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 One_Lifeguard_8915 Going on a date with my ex
Hello, I’m going on a date with my ex next week. He said we could after we hooked up and I got emotional because of things ending. I had borderline personality disorder and didn’t know it at the time and am almost completed with intensive therapy. He says he wants to give me a chance to see if I’ve improved but is unsure he can regain romantic feelings for me. I did go to his house multiple times when we broke up to try to talk to him which I deeply regret and wouldn’t do now ever. But he is unsure if he can trust me again. Any tips I want the date to go well and he told me he’d let me know after a couple days what he wants to do. He’s told me what things would be like if we potentially worked to get back together. He was in a similar position with his depression when he dated an ex and got broken up with so he understands but says he didn’t get a 2nd chance. He also states there’s only a 10% chance he will want me back after the date. I’m so stressed out.
submitted by One_Lifeguard_8915 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 poomodoom 85mm vs 105mm / Ai vs Ai-S lenses
parents are getting me a new lens for Christmas and im still a little lost on what I should get. Ive got a 55mm 2.8 on right now. I dont shoot anything in particular and will do portraits of my gf, landscape, street, etc. Whatever is around me when I happen to carry my camera. Not sure if I should get the 85mm or 105mm. and also, what is the real difference between Ai and AIS? do I need AIS lenses to make use of the auto mode on my F3? been doing this for a couple years but just started getting serious about specs and lenses - still a noob. thanks in advance!
submitted by poomodoom to NikonF3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 accountforAITA Rank the Superheavies from Worst to Best
I’ll start
2024.11.26 23:29 billgooner4 Add me to join nl TeleGuard
DQSSXQP7D must post
submitted by billgooner4 to piperrockelle16 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 mbarb001 Kitsune Mask by Chuck Jones at Heavy Hearts Tattoo in Houston TX
submitted by mbarb001 to tattoos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 RevolutionaryWest740 this is just plain out weird
submitted by RevolutionaryWest740 to HauntedMound [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:29 bot_painani Verificado: En Japón NO aprobaron ni presentaron nuevas «leyes antimujeres»
submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 CTest360 I'm so isolated.
I'm lonely and isolated since I can think. Lately it's eating more and more on me. Just wish I could talk to somebody.
submitted by CTest360 to depression_help [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 ElleSkelly311 Goth 27F looking for online friends!
Only 18+ please! Hello! I’m neurodivergent and always super busy with work so I neglect my social life. Currently up and playing sims!! US, EST. Used to be a massive gamer, now I don’t play as much due to time limitations. Geek 👾 (L)GBT+ 🏳️🌈 Massive Trekkie 🖖🏻 Religious 🕍 Looking into college 👩🏻🎓
submitted by ElleSkelly311 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 Reasonable-Way-4129 Descubrí que mi amigo es un enfermo que acosaba mujeres en la calle y se grabó masturbándose con la ropa interior de mi madre.
La historia que estoy apunto de contar es algo completamente real y que a mi y ha todos los involucrados nos ha dejado con un mal sabor de boca hasta el día de hoy. Sobre todo a mi, que era el mejor amigo de ésta persona. Lo conocí en el 2015, los dos íbamos a la primaria juntos en salones diferentes, pero sin embargo hemos llegado a coincidir y hasta jugar en los recreos. Nuestra relación no progresó hasta empezar la secundaria, que ahí se podría decir que empezamos a ser amigos.
Todo iba bastante bien. Al principio yo notaba ciertos rasgos raros de él, cosas como problemas para socializar con otras personas y sobre todo, una dificultad muy grande para tratar con mujeres, siendo así la última persona en perder la virginidad de nuestro grupo de amigos. No era atractivo, teniendo obesidad y una personalidad totalmente infantil para su edad y con 20 años hacía cosas como declararse el en patio de la escuela a chicas que desde lejos se notaba que no querían nada con él. Gustos desmedidos por el anime y el manga, manifestados en su habitación con posters y dibujos. Jugaba muy frecuentemente un juego llamado Genshin Impact el cual sus jugadores no tienen la mejor fama que digamos y tenía una fascinación por el lol, siendo muy malo en eso.
Un día, al ser tan cercanos solía venir muy seguido a mi casa, a escuchar música o simplemente hablar. Yo lo dejaba quedarse a dormir, usar mi computadora el tiempo que quisiera, abrir mi heladera y demás cosas que permitís cuando le tienes confianza a alguien. El era igual conmigo cuando iba a su casa. Una amistad muy buena y que parecía que no iba a terminar. Hasta que, gracias a dios o al destino mismo, él dejo su cuenta de Google abierta en mi computadora y yo, al ser curioso de las cosas que podían llegar a ocultar mis amigos, revisé lo que tenía en fotos. Mi sorpresa fue tremenda.
Encontré una serie de imágenes y videos tomados con su celular, en distintas calles cerca donde el vivía, calles las cuales yo solía transitar. Algunos de día y otros de noche, encima de su bicicleta o a pie, pero en lo que coincidían ambos era en que él permanecía siguiendo a una mujer diferente en cada video, enfocando su culo. Estaba claro que era él, porque su sombra obesa se veía reflectada por la luz de los postes. Esto es lo mas suave, lo demás era capturas de fotos de chicas que en su mayoría, eran de la escuela a la que íbamos o de la misma zona.
Yo quedé perplejo, pero al mismo tiempo no tuve las agallas de exponerlo frente a todos sus conocidos. Al ser muy baja la cantidad de contenido de la índole, decidí darle otra "oportunidad" y dejar pasar. Era tanto el cariño y respeto que le tenía a este amigo que decidí hacer la vista gorda. Fue lo peor que pude haber hecho, el karma vendría a mi meses después.
Esta parte de la historia es la mas difícil de contar, dudé mucho si incluir este suceso en el título por la incomodidad que me generaba, pero sin embargo hay que resaltar la parte mas enferma y por la cual el terminó siendo funado (por mi). Pasado meses decidí entrar otra vez a su cuenta de Google, ésta vez con la esperanza de que haya hecho catarsis y haya borrado todo ese contenido. No lo podía creer, la cantidad de fotos y videos había incrementado a carpetas y carpetas, llenas de este material y cosas mucho peores. Había edits pornográficos de chicas conocidas y amigas de nuestro entorno. Videos masturbándose en su baño y en baños ajenos con la ropa interior que colgaban en los fregaderos y posteriormente oliéndola a cámara. Más videos siguiendo a mujeres en la calle pero esta vez menores. Y lo peor, un video en MI BAÑO pajeandose con una tanga que a día de hoy, no se si era de mi mamá o de mi hermana de 15 años. Quedé con un vacío en el pecho. No lo podía creer. La falta de respeto y la traición mas grande que me habían hecho en mi vida.
Al día siguiente, decidí llamar a una amiga para contarle todo lo que vi y ella se encargó de difundir todo esto en un grupo que teníamos de la escuela. Escribimos un escrache entre todos y lo publicamos en Instagram. El resto es historia.
Nunca le pegué ni lo agredí físicamente, solamente tuvimos una última conversación vía Whatsapp en donde yo aun siendo un afectado lo trataba de aconsejar y de incitarlo a que busque ayuda psicológica (Hay capturas y si quieren, las puedo publicar). Fue un estúpido, en lugar de borrarse y hacer perfil bajo, decidió ir y confirmarlo a cada persona que le preguntaba si era cierto. Contándoselo a su familia, pero no con la finalidad de recibir ayuda sino la de dar lástima. No soy una persona violenta, nunca me peleé en mi vida y esa esa la razón por la que no hice lo que una persona promedio hubiera hecho, ir a reventarlo. Solo me llevó a tener un cuadro depresivo, ataques de enojo y a tener otros códigos con la gente que me relaciono. Mi madre nunca se enteró de esto.
Esto es un resumen de mi historia, hay muchas cosas que no se si son relevantes para contarlas, pero pueden preguntar. ¿Ustedes que hubieran hecho? ¿Creen que si lo hubiera parado la primera vez esto hubiera sucedido? ¿Me lo merezco al hacer la vista gorda y que no me haya importado la integridad de esas chicas? Me gustaría que debatamos sobre esto con respeto, gracias por leer.
submitted by Reasonable-Way-4129 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 Main_Relationship515 WB Palkia - Add 9145 9545 6529
submitted by Main_Relationship515 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 PawsomeFarms Finding a host venue that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
I'm trying to find a venue. I'm starting a self defense course pretty soon- have a POS, am currently picking through a final selection of names,and will finalize insurance and such then- but I need a place to host it.
This is mostly so I can stash some extra money away and get some practical experience- I'd be surprised if it made enough to justify a full blown rental and wouldn't want to spend the money anyway.
What are my options?
submitted by PawsomeFarms to smallbusiness [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 KaylaAnne Introducing new siblings, how did you choose to do it?
My son will be almost 3 when this little girl is born. I've read a couple different ideas on the "best" way to introduce new siblings and they all seem to have merit for different reasons. For example, have them meet at the hospital because it's a new/neutral location, versus meet at home so it's a more comfortable/familiar location. To some degree it will depend on logistics, i.e. will whoever's watching my son be able to bring him to the hospital, how will the timing work, etc. How did you choose to do it? What was your reasoning? Would you do it the same/different?
submitted by KaylaAnne to BabyBumps [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 pepinilllo Help me!!! 314 to 320 in a month or should I drop it?
Today I had my first GRE test and got a 314 having 158 in verbal and 156 in quantitive. For context: I didn’t study almost anything. I started studying the 2 month prep by gregmat in September but only did the first week because I had some major issues come up at work, and had no time at all too study, and so I dropped it all together for a couple of months. During that week I did however memorize a few vocab words and went through all the arithmetic principles on gregmat. A week ago I was about to change my test date to late december but decided not to, and use this test as an opportunity to see how I did, and so for a week I prepared myself and since I had little time to study I focused mostly on verbal stat and basic quant concepts.
I honestly expected my score to be lower considering how little time I put into it but now I wonder if you guys feel like I should book another one in late December and dedicate this whole month to studying. I have very little do do regarding work this month so I can do this full time, and if so, do you think scoring over 320 is feasible (vocab word lol) in such a short amount of time.
My program doesn’t require the GRE and the rest of my application is pretty solid which is why I never felt pressured to study and prioritized work in the first place, but now that I have the time, I might as well do it again. The thing is, I wont submit it if I don’t get at least a 320 and if that seems to much to improve in a month I’d rather not do it all together and save time and money. What do you guys think??
I’d also appreciate tips for improving 7 points in such a short time frame, and if anyone from experience has achieved it how did you manage.
Also to add: I did horribly in quant in terms of time management I spent 1/3 of my time in a single question that I couldn’t solve and had to skim through the last 5.
Background: I did a five year architecture school program equivalent to a B.Arch and M.Arch I and am applying to a MS in Real Estate. Ny native language is not english but I like to read a lot of English literature so my vocab isn’t terrible. I used to be really good at math in high school but I didn’t solve a single math problem throughout college. No math courses whatsoever and only a couple of physics courses so i’m really rusty.
submitted by pepinilllo to GRE [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:29 6ixking Need some help
Please and thank you https://mply.io/71p70R3AlRA submitted by 6ixking to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments] |