Briefly experiencing transcendence

2024.12.01 00:42 jxddk Briefly experiencing transcendence

I host a little Thanksgiving for my friends every year. I grew up in the USA, but don't live there anymore, and so I get to dictate how my little exported tradition is held. All my friends bring something tasty and we have a lovely evening together. This year we hired serving help to give my wife and I some extra time with our guests, and the man who arrived to help serve was a professional chef who made my poor spatchcocked turkeys into the most delicious poultry I've ever tasted. We ate and drank all night and ended the evening by the fireplace on the porch. My soul is singing with graciousness for good friends and good food. Happy Thanksgiving!
submitted by jxddk to rs_x [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Adept_Willingness955 How am I supposed to win this?

How am I supposed to win this? Not sure what more I can do to win these crappy event games :/ at least the trio showdown gives me a chance to win by myself.
submitted by Adept_Willingness955 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Zapdos90HP Leech type

Ok, I know the technical aspect of this would be very hard to pull of, but its the best idea I've had. Just imagine if it could work
submitted by Zapdos90HP to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Wyzguy001 Opened a ticket on how to clean the inside

Opened a ticket on how to clean the inside submitted by Wyzguy001 to NewWaveToys [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 nunurs0 القشرة

في الها حل غير خل التفاح، شامبوهات القشرة، انك تغير شامبوهات كثير، تتحمم بس بمي، لأني جربتهم كلهم وما نفعوا والموضوع ما اتوقع موضوع نظافة لأني بتحمم كل يوم فهل الحل الوحيد اني اشيل شعري وخلص لأني مفكر اعملها؟
submitted by nunurs0 to jordan [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 RicketyCricket88 Rotary shifter error and then came off

Rotary shifter error and then came off I was able to put it back and it’s working now.
submitted by RicketyCricket88 to Ioniq5 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 StringCheeseReddit EXCUSE ME?

submitted by StringCheeseReddit to WhatBeatsRock [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Miserable_Parsley733 SCP-682 Termination Proposal

Termination of SCP-682 has proven impossible. Even the Gate Guardian’s blade was unable to destroy it completely; and so I now bring this proposal: release SCP-682…into SCP-2935, AKA “O, Death Zone.” If you recall, SCP-2935 is a portal to another reality where everything from bacteria to that reality’s SCP-682 is dead. SCP-682 wants everything dead, so what better place for him than a reality where everything IS dead? Release him there and seal off the entrance, and forever forget the Hard-To-Kill Reptile.
submitted by Miserable_Parsley733 to SCP682 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 edward_cullen69 Does anyone have a video of Pay Your Way in Pain from the Palais in Melbourne last week?

Annie was yelling at the crowd to stand up and then sang to me and would love to relive this moment if anyone got it 🥺
submitted by edward_cullen69 to AnnieClark [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 DismalTop576 Long course prerequisites

Hello, I’ve been meditating for 7 years in the S.N. Goenka tradition and I’m interested in sitting a 20 day course but feel a little intimidated by the prerequisites. I think I can handle 2 hours a day for 2 years but it seems like you can’t miss a single sit. Also I was told if you start a new relationship in those two years or even self pleasure then you lose your status for long term course eligibility. Is this legit, and if so I’m curious to ask a meditator who has gone through this process, was it beneficial in the long term.
Just wanted to get some personal experiences with this process since some of these questions feel awkward to ask a teacher.
submitted by DismalTop576 to vipassana [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 SingleOrganization95 Pokemon cards first set

Pokemon cards first set My Pokémon collection from few years ago, is this worth something?
submitted by SingleOrganization95 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 sts816 What is your design & workflow like for going from brand new idea to finished print? Especially for intricate or moving part designs?

Like do you go straight from vague concept in your head straight into detailed CAD? Or start out with sketching with pencil and paper, to broad CAD, to detailed CAD? etc
I'm getting hung up in the detail design step where I need to hash out the tiny little details. This is usually the stage where I need to figure out small features, dimensions, and tolerances, especially involving any sort of moving part. I can't draw worth a damn so my sketches don't end up being useful but parametric CAD feels too cumbersome for the quick trail and error prototyping. I find myself going down a rabbit hole on a particular design only to realize way too late the design isn't going to work, its going to be very difficult to print, its needlessly complex, etc. Trying to figure out a more efficient way to do this.
submitted by sts816 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Clean_Perspective_23 Suggest me a good book for Christmas holiday

I love literary and historical fiction books, but I don’t mind other categories. Books I absolutely love/loved reading are:

Thank you!
submitted by Clean_Perspective_23 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Temporary_Win_4333 I bought the Bo6 kontrolfreeks, where is the code for the weapon charm?

submitted by Temporary_Win_4333 to KontrolFreek [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Entertainer_Much When everyone's posting about Black Friday sales but you're just a chill guy waiting to buy a Case Hardened Xbox Controller skin separately

When everyone's posting about Black Friday sales but you're just a chill guy waiting to buy a Case Hardened Xbox Controller skin separately submitted by Entertainer_Much to dbrand [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 posixtan projeto de dev

Isso aí, ainda sou um "projeto'" de júnior kkkkk...
Enfim, tenho 17 anos e instalei o GNU/Linux no Pc, me interessei pela filosofia e como funciona o computador no geral...
Comecei com os comandos básicos do terminal (uso o debian)... logo comecei a brincar no shellscrip... e hoje faz 2 semanas que estou aprendendo C!
Penso que estou novo ainda, então poderia escolher uma carreira com algo relacionado a tecnologia (tenho adorado ultimamente)..
O ponto é, estou no caminho "certo" começando por C? Estou "tranquilo" ao aprender, e apesar de muitos falarem que python ou JS tem mais demanda... eu adoro tentacompreender como funciona o baixo nível...... pois um dia quero chegar no assembly!
E após eu estar confiante no C, seria possível arrumar algum emprego para programar em C? ou seria mais viável eu aprender outra linguagem para trabalhar? enquanto aprendo C (que também é uma das minhas prioridades)
submitted by posixtan to programacao [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Sketchy_06 Motherboard and ports issue, no signal on monitor.

Changed my previous motherboard to a Prime B450M-AII and at the moment it doesn't seem to register the keyboard or monitor, this last one showing "No Signal" when turning on, also the motherboard seems to "blink" an orange light when connected but turned off, no idea if this is a warning or part of the design. Information on the digital manual and physical one aren't very clear on what to do in this scenario.
Attached are photos of its current state, could be missing a cable however as previously mentioned, not much info on the manuals for troubleshooting.
submitted by Sketchy_06 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Repulsive-Archer3714 Do you guys like the way i sorted my games?
submitted by Repulsive-Archer3714 to Steam [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 ok-Doj221 Pies wydoi jakiegos Pana

submitted by ok-Doj221 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Elmacanite Sinus clear w/Neti Pot

Been feeling sorta congested for over a week and change at this point and yesterday it finally got to the "extremely stopped up sinuses and coughing uncontrollably" stage. No fever thankfully, and no nausea or any real symptoms of an actual cold, but our neighbors dropped off the NetiPot and here's the results.
Marked NSFW because I'm a foul mouthed human.
submitted by Elmacanite to FeltGoodComingOut [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Flutteringfairyyy Susan

What made Susan unelectable? I remember Mellie said Susan was unelectable… why was she?
submitted by Flutteringfairyyy to Scandal [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Cope_dipper22 Alone

The silent wind stirs, The crowd thickens, it blurs, Yet here I stand, feeling alone.
I scan the packed room, My thoughts start to bloom, And still, I stand, feeling alone.
I press my way through, Lost without a clue, And still, I stand, feeling alone.
I reach out for comfort, Give my best effort, Yet still, I stand, feeling alone.
The lights start to fade, No solace is made, And here I fall, forever alone.
Feedback links:
submitted by Cope_dipper22 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 PrismFerret Artdump bc It's the first of December

Artdump bc It's the first of December submitted by PrismFerret to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 lucky_neutron_star Based on real historical figures

I’d like to hear about your favorite Historical Romances, of any setting or time period, that are based on or inspired by real people. I read a lot of Historical Fiction, but I’m looking specifically for books where the romance is the central plot.
submitted by lucky_neutron_star to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:42 Hot_Bullfrog7702 Who can Mega Man beat in the MHA universe

With most of his weapons,who will beat the crap out of him and how would it go(yes I know that Mega man can't harm humans but some of these people can actually defend themselves)
submitted by Hot_Bullfrog7702 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]