
2025.01.18 01:53 SeaNet5601 Languages?

Does anyone have a suggestion on which language is easiest to learn at Kent and through which professor? I just dropped elem Spanish 1 because prof. Romero-Gonzalez was impossible to learn from at a basic level.
I took Latin in high school but was actually interested in learning Spanish…just not in the way she taught it. I’m also only able to do the class online.
Any help is immensely appreciated.
submitted by SeaNet5601 to KentStateUniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 SeaworthinessDry6682 Should we add some pics of gabbys friends too anyone interested??

Anyone wants to add these two too ? Or only gabby comment yes or no
submitted by SeaworthinessDry6682 to GabbyCThomas [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Derpderp05 What’s a good sledding spot?

submitted by Derpderp05 to waterloo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 CorruptJerome [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/Ok-Supermarket15%20[seller]

submitted by CorruptJerome to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 OpportunityOk4752 Why do you have to select a specific ups store for online return codes?

Can I go to any ups store or just the one I picked?
submitted by OpportunityOk4752 to UPS [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 xx-lichmistress-xx The death of a fictional tale of romance.

I had forgotten all about the fearful side of fearful avoidance. In my prior relationships, I had a habit of checking out due to fears of engulfment, flaw-finding, getting ready to leave. During a particularly tumultuous part of that relationship I learned about attachment theory, identified myself as fearful avoidant due to the concurrently present fears of abandonment. However, at that time I identified much more with the avoidant aspect. I even joined the dismissive avoidant subreddit as I felt there was a chance I was actually DA rather than FA.
That relationship went on for another year or so and I more or less internalized attachment theory as I thought it pertained to myself. I was never able to overcome my aversion to intimacy with them and that among other things lead to a slow burn out and fade away. Although the breakup devastated me, I also felt a fair bit of relief that I could be free. I could tell future partners about my avoidant tendencies, and I thought I had figured things out mostly.. And so, entering into a whirlwind romance this summer, that's exactly what I did early on, telling them about this pattern. I thought I was prepared. I was not.
First, it's embarrassing how low my guard was. We moved incredibly quickly, with her setting the pace. She said I love you within a couple weeks of talking, before we'd even met in person. I could feel it welling up inside her that night, like a geyser waiting to erupt. I had prepared to not say it back, but in the moment I didn't have strength to not mirror. And things just took off from there like a wildfire in the badlands. She mentioned us getting married on the second day of our first meeting, which was when we officially started dating. Talks of moving in. Future plans were made. We spent nights sleeping on calls together. She dreamed nearly every night it seemed of us getting married. It was nonstop I love you like no one I've ever loved before. She said in her past relationships, she had often waited up to six months to say I love you. I felt so special. We were going to conquer the world. It all seemed so, so real. I had zero intentions of ever getting married before, but here I was enraptured by this love, accepting it all.
I always held the notion in the back of my mind the other shoe would drop and I would lose interest in her. I could already find myself picking apart flaws in her. She laughed so loud. She could be brash, obnoxious. She could be incredibly naive. Her freckles became more prominent. A lot of these were even features I once enjoyed. Nonetheless, she maintained a confidence in our relationship that made me feel safe.
One day, about 3 months into our tryst, she mentioned that she had a dream I threatened to kill her if she didn't marry me. I thought little of it at the time, but she never once dreamed of us getting married again, to my knowledge. Looking back, of course, this was a subconscious recognition of the activation of her avoidant attachment. She began to fear enmeshment. And so she pulled back. Sleeping together on calls stopped. Voice calls went from 2-3 times a week to once at best. Texts slowed to a trickle. One time I went two weeks without hearing her voice, because she had a friend over from another country. She reneged on our plans to move in, though still wished to move to my city. She recoiled one time when I jokingly referred to her as my wife.
All of this was, of course, not unnoticed by me. And I began to oscillate between fearfulness and avoidance. During the two week period we didn't talk, I immersed myself in work. When we were in contact again, things were off kilter. So I sought reassurance. She would give it for awhile, then go back to distancing. Every time, I was left needing more. I pushed and pushed and pushed. What happened to the wonderful woman I'd known? The one who promised me everything, who wanted to grow old with me? I began to seek reassurance. She claimed her feelings for me hadn't changed. She just wanted a more mature and adult relationship, and not a "stupid teenage romance". Nothing she said made sense to me.
Once I reacquainted myself with attachment theory, everything began to click. We had triggered each other's core wounds, and our attachments were in full effect. Her, a textbook DA and I the FA. Both of us had done a lot of work to make our attachments more secure, but we were completely caught off guard by the explosive chemistry we had experienced in the early stages. I think, looking back now, it was some of the hallmark characteristics of our attachment styles that drew us together. Her so well put together and independent, myself so in touch with and able to sit with raw emotions. Then they became points of resentment.
Unfortunately, it was too late. Both of us were far too damaged and activated to do the necessary work. She acknowledged her attachment issues, but seemed to take them as a badge of pride more than anything. And I simply couldn't handle the uncertainty, and to be honest I felt so hurt that I couldn't bear the thought of seeing her. I could give her space at the cost of my own well being, but that wasn't in anyone's best interest. The trust had been broken, and there was no more meeting in the middle. We couldn't meet each other's needs.
I blocked her yesterday after sending her stuff back. It took everything I had in me not to cry in the post office, so I waited till I got home. I told her I need to go no contact to heal.
Luckily, I have a very obsessive, analytical and emotional mind, so I've been doing incredible amounts of work to heal myself. I believe we essentially used each other as limerant objects to satisfy a deep need for a much deeper validation that we lacked. Our guards were completely down as we had started with the intentions of a short term fling, but it raged out of control far quicker and neither of us could stand to damp out the flames.
We cowrite an entire fantasy that would make even the most sappy romantics blush. It was absurd, and ridiculous, and entirely fiction. She realized much sooner than I that what we had committed to, the pure fantasy. And she couldn't take it. She had exposed a side of herself that she never let anyone see. I remember her saying she had never gone less than 6 months before saying "I love you". I guess something about me and her relationship to me made her feel something she'd never felt before. And it disgusted her. I can't say I blame her. The entire relationship feels fake to me now. Just as easy as it was to commit to the fantasy, so was it easy to kill it. I guess that's me deactivating it all and rationalizing it.
To be perfectly clear, I have absolutely no hard feelings for her. We simply were two incredibly damaged and activated beings with compatibility issues. I tried to make it work and move myself toward secure attachment patterns but she wasn't willing to take a look at herself and fix what she needed to. So it is. I can't blame her.
Words cannot describe the emotional whiplash I've felt. Despite making significant improvements, I am still incredibly raw and hurting. I'm trying so hard not to fall into patterns of substance abuse so I can actually feel and process these emotions. I'm doing an okay job at this. I should probably go into therapy, but I'm just so fucking raw and tired. I know there's so much work that needs to be done before I can love again.
submitted by xx-lichmistress-xx to AvoidantBreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 NuncProTuncNY New Fear Unlocked

In the ongoing saga of stories of how inconsiderate our fellow gym goers can be. Was at my local gym and had just finished my workout. I usually finish up with a jog so meandered over to the treadmills. Stepped up and was immediately met with a treadmill that was left on at a moderate speed. Literally almost took a header and killed myself. Instead, I dropped to a knee to gain some balance and gave myself a nice cherry on my knee where the tread burned off a few layers of skin. Like WTF? Who would do this? When I stopped it, the treadmill indicated it was going for ~35 mins. No idea how much of that was with someone on it. It occurred to me that maybe staff cleaning could have hit a button but I don’t think so. Whenever I see staff cleaning the treadmills, they are standing on the tread. Had my headphones on so that prevented me from hearing the hum. Better me than someone older I guess. Don’t be me. Make sure you check that a treadmill is off before stepping up people!
submitted by NuncProTuncNY to EquinoxGyms [link] [comments]



2025.01.18 01:53 kays_getawaycar wts (preferred)/wtt Lana Del Rey vinyls & signed cds!

wts (preferred)/wtt Lana Del Rey vinyls & signed cds! Prices below, please dm for more info and shipping! None of the prices include shipping.
Lana Del Rey Born to Die (sealed) - $15 each
Madison Beer SIGNED Silence Between Songs (sealed/case cracked) - qyop —> I’m not sure how much this goes for? Maybe >$50?
Dua Lipa SIGNED Insert Radical Optimism (sealed) - $30 each —> I can open them on camera to confirm they have the signed insert before sending out
OR trade for: - Taylor Swift vinyl, merch, etc (offer) - Sabrina Carpenter vinyl, merch, etc (offer) - Olivia Rodrigo vinyl, merch, etc (offer) - Signed cds/vinyls of Taylor, Sabrina, Olivia, Chappell, Ariana, Rosé, Gracie, etc - Open to offers
Willing to negotiate/bundle for any of the prices! Check my page for more sales!
submitted by kays_getawaycar to popheadsvinyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 guillaume_axs Transformer son corps et sa vie : +13 kg en 18 mois

Salut je vais vous partager l’histoire de mon pote Pierre car je pense qu’elle peut en inspirer plus d’un. Je vais essayer d’apporter un max de détails pour que ça vous permette de comprendre comment il a littéralement transformé son corps !
Il y a un an et demi, mon pote Pierre m’a dit qu’il voulait transformer son corps car il en pouvait plus d’être ce gars skinny. À 22 ans, il pesait 58 kg pour 1m75. Pas du tout sportif, il était mal dans sa peau. Il s’alimentait n’importe comment et surtout il manquait de confiance en lui…
En gros, il détestait son corps car toute sa vie il avait été maigre. Plus jeune tout le monde s’est toujours moqué de lui. Il osait même plus aller à la piscine ou à la plage l’été, tellement il avait honte de son corps. Mentalement, il était bloqué dans cette image du skinny, c’est comme une sorte de barrière mentale qui le bloquait dans sa vie.
Du coup j’ai voulu l’aider. Je vais vous expliquer ce qu’on a mis en place.
Définir un objectif : Pour que ce soit clair dans sa tête et que ça lui serve de cap, je lui ai demandé de me décrire où il voulait aller. Il m’a dit que son rêve c’était de transformer son corps, gagner en muscle et enfin s’aimer. Il voulait aussi retrouver confiance en lui. En gros quitter son corps d’ado et devenir un homme dont il pourrait être fier.
Le sport : On a commencé petit à petit. Il a pas voulu venir à la salle tout de suite, ça l’intimidait trop et il se sentait pas légitime. Vu qu’il savait pas du tout comment s’y prendre étant donné qu’il avait jamais fait de sport et qu’il comprenait rien à la masse d’informations trouvée sur internet, je lui ai donné une liste d’exercices simples au poids du corps à faire à la maison. L’objectif dans un premier temps c’était d’installer doucement une routine et l’habituer à prendre goût au sport de manière très progressive. Et ça a plutôt bien marché, il faisait les exos à son rythme de son côté et il se sentait déjà un peu fier chaque fois qu’il terminait une séance. Chaque petite victoire permet de gagner en motivation et c’est un cercle vertueux qui se met en place.
Puis un jour, c’était plus assez car il avait suffisamment progressé et il a eu le déclic de venir à la salle avec moi. C’est là que le travail à vraiment commencé.
La première fois à la salle, ça a pas été facile. Même avec les charges les plus légères il galérait. Du coup il a pas mal douté mais en le poussant un peu et en lui expliquant que c’était normal, que son corps allait s’adapter petit à petit, il a continué à venir et vous savez quoi ? Bah ça a payé !
Il a dû persévérer, ça a pas été simple mais à force de discipline il a commencé à progresser. Lentement mais sûrement. Je lui ai préparé un programme sur mesure, en fonction de ses objectifs et de ses capacités. A force, il prenait des poids de plus en plus lourds et chaque semaine il augmentait. Mentalement, ça lui a aussi permis de prendre confiance petit à petit.
L'Alimentation : Là aussi il a fallu y aller très progressivement pour pas qu’il soit frustré. Donc on a commencé par supprimer une à une les mauvaises habitudes : sodas, gâteaux et produits transformés qu’il a remplacé par des aliments simples non transformés et riches en protéines.
Faut mettre cette base en place et ensuite on peut commencer à être un peu plus spécifique. L’idéal c’est de connaître son métabolisme de base afin d’ajouter un surplus calorique. On a donc petit à petit augmenté ses calories pour accompagner sa prise de muscle et lui apporter suffisamment d’énergie pour ses séances. Il a du drastiquement augmenter ses quantités de glucides (flocons d’avoine, légumineuses, pain complet, riz etc.) et parfois il avait même du mal à finir ses repas. Malheureusement, il n’y a pas de secret, pour prendre du poids il faut donner les nutriments nécessaires à son corps donc suivre un plan alimentaire adapté à son métabolisme est nécessaire.
L’hygiène de vie : Il a aussi ajusté son hygiène de vie car un sommeil de qualité et une bonne hydratation sont indispensables pour assurer une bonne récupération des muscles. Mais bon il se tuait tellement à la salle qu’il avait pas de mal à s’endormir les soirs. Et la mise en place progressive de toutes ces étapes a permis de lui forger une discipline qui au fil du temps est devenue un mode de vie.
Aujourd’hui, Pierre n’est plus la même personne, physiquement et mentalement. En 1 an et demi, il est passé de 58 kg à 71 kg. Il a doublé de volume et il continue de s’entraîner avec rigueur, même quand je ne suis pas là. Je peux honnêtement dire qu’il a dépassé des limites, qu’à mon avis, lui-même pensait insurmontables. Et je peux vous dire qu’il est fier de lui, ça se voit.
Toute cette histoire pour vous dire que tout le monde peut changer. Oui, ça demande de la discipline mais avec un plan, tu avances pas à pas et tu peux transformer ton corps, ton mental, et ta vie. Ce n’est pas seulement une question de muscles ou d’apparence : c’est un processus qui t’apprend à te dépasser, à devenir meilleur, à aimer le chemin autant que le résultat.
Oui, il y aura des jours difficiles. Oui, il y aura des moments où tu n’auras pas envie. Mais c’est là que tu forges ton caractère. Et crois-moi, il n’y a rien de plus satisfaisant que de se faire mal à la salle pour construire la personne que tu veux devenir.
Mon conseil : commence petit. 20 minutes de sport, trois fois par semaine, c’est déjà un très bon début. Le plus important, c’est de progresser et de faire un peu mieux que la veille. Et surtout, passe à l’action le plus vite possible.
Parfois faut arrêter de se poser mille questions, de se demander ce que les autres vont penser. Franchement, on s’en fout. C’est entre toi et toi-même. C’est toi qui vis avec un corps qui te déplait. Il n’y a que toi pour détester ton corps. Apprends à être bon avec toi, à t’accepter et à respecter ton corps.
Passe à l’action. Tu verras que tes peurs n’étaient pas fondées. Et une fois dans le train, tu regretteras de pas avoir commencé plus tôt.
Pour débuter dès maintenant, c’est simple : trouve ton propre rythme et adapte ton programme à ton emploi du temps. L’essentiel, c’est de construire une routine qui te convient et que tu pourras tenir sur le long terme. N’hésite pas à te faire accompagner si tu n’as aucune idée de comment établir un programme.
Et garde en tête qu’une transformation physique, c’est un marathon, pas un sprint. Mais quoi que tu fasses, le temps va passer. Alors autant commencer aujourd’hui.
submitted by guillaume_axs to FitnessFrance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 CLA_1989 Weird graphic glitches happening all over

Weird graphic glitches happening all over So, I decided to give this game a chance(had played it until THAT happens and left it, felt kind of not in the groove playing a dead man walking lol) but right now I am seeing a ton of graphical glitches, anyone knows what can I do?
I have already checked file integrity in Steam btw
My PC info:
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Version 10.0.26100
DirectX runtime version: DirectX 12
Driver: Game Ready Driver - 566.36 - Thu Dec 5, 2024
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor
RAM: 32.0 GB
Storage (7): HDD - 931.5 GB,HDD - 7.3 TB,+5 more
(The game is stored in an MSI SPATIUM M461 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 4TB SSD)
RTX 4090
Direct3D feature level: 12_1
CUDA cores: 16384
Graphics clock: 2565 MHz
Memory data rate: 21.00 Gbps
Total available graphics memory: 40544 MB
Dedicated video memory: 24564 MB GDDR6X
System video memory: 0 MB
Shared system memory: 15980 MB
Video BIOS version: 95.02.3c.80.13
Display (2): Samsung Odyssey G95SC
Resolution: 5120 x 1440 (recommended)
Refresh rate: 240 Hz
Desktop color depth: Highest (32-bit)
Display technology: Variable Refresh Rate
HDCP: Supported
submitted by CLA_1989 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 theonlyone32 The difference between jpand english versions of the games

I seen a lot of post with people on the jp version of the game and they have completely new characters and I want to know if the English version is behind and if so how far behind?
submitted by theonlyone32 to BLLK_PWC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 bugroots Myfanwy (John Cale singing in Welsh, in 1992)

Myfanwy (John Cale singing in Welsh, in 1992) submitted by bugroots to JohnCale [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Ragingboomerang The Importance of Green Cleaning Products for a Healthier Home

The Importance of Green Cleaning Products for a Healthier Home submitted by Ragingboomerang to PositiveThinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Scarlett Johansson vs Natalie Portman

View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 jldeveloper33 Change the channel LILMF drop to $0.00, cry babies . . .

submitted by jldeveloper33 to LiliumJet [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 YEETDAB25 Deoxys (attack) 770886046202

submitted by YEETDAB25 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 el_honky_73 Just started collecting my grail. What should I add next.

submitted by el_honky_73 to Jordans [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 NicoTorres1712 Why is overtrading bad?

I’m a beginner in day trading futures with technical analysis. I’ve seen most experts saying you should only make max 1-3 trades per business day but I don’t understand why it makes sense.
Let’s say I have a strategy with a 60% win rate and a 1:1 Risk/Return ratio. By following the “only make one trade per day” rule on average I would have roughly 12 wins and 8 losses, a diference of 4.
But if I was able to find 10 entry points per day, I would expect 120 wins and 80 losses, a difference of 40 and would be able to bet high returns very quick.
Is the don’t overtrade rule experts keep repeating purely a psychological thing?
submitted by NicoTorres1712 to FuturesTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Here2dayGone2morrow4 Christmas gifts

Christmas gifts Got addicted during Christmas. It's been a good 2025 so far! Can't wait to grow... Need more shelves.
submitted by Here2dayGone2morrow4 to legocastles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Groovemonkee84 Sea caves

Burlington parks and recs have done an amazing job of maintaining the sea caves skating area. The skate track and rinks are a huge improvement to city recreation. Despite some odd weather at the beginning of the season you all have pulled off an amazing area to skate and access. All the upgrades are great. I’m really impressed by what you have done there. Thank for doing the hard work to create and maintain a wonderful outdoor experience for our community!!
submitted by Groovemonkee84 to burlington [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 These_Charity_2575 What would happen if all the crayons decided to go on strike?

submitted by These_Charity_2575 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 CorruptJerome [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/GetNoobified%20[buyer]

submitted by CorruptJerome to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 DelayWise2480 Need help finding heartless

Need help finding heartless So I’m going for the adversaries trophy on KH3 and can seem to find this the Manny Pop. I’ve even looked at videos and can find what it looks like. Whenever I type it on google I get funko pops anyone have a picture of one or the best location for one
submitted by DelayWise2480 to KingdomHearts [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 01:53 Adventurous-Wish-943 what do we think? not sold on midfield

what do we think? not sold on midfield i have a few different ways i could go with the midfield, and i could get rid of jhf if that’s viable, im really not sure, lmk your thoughts
submitted by Adventurous-Wish-943 to aflfantasy [link] [comments]