2025.01.22 20:54 capybaramelhor Is Rachel still banned from the USA?
Maybe banned is not the right word, but I remember she had issues with her ESTA and was unable to enter. That was a while back but I don’t think she has traveled to the USA since ….? Has she talked about that again? submitted by capybaramelhor to rachelbrathensnark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Superb-Demand-4605 This is great for needing ALOT of moisture and hydration. High amounts of green tea and peptides, my dry skin loves this espcially after shaving. Fragrance free too.
submitted by Superb-Demand-4605 to SkincareAddictionUK [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 InspectionAgile8616 Looking for advice!!!
I previously posted about my 9 year old dog who I believe fell off the bed in the middle of the night. She came back up whimpering but nothing hurt to touch. We brought her to our normal vet and they gave her gabapentine to help reduce her pain along with her already prescribed anti inflammatory meds. She woke up this morning whimpering uncontrollably, peed herself and had a bloody nose. This is all while she got a random bump on her head just before New Years that is hard to touch but hasn't changed in size or bother her. We went to the ER and $1,800 later... no infection, no internal bleeding or real result. They did want us to get a biopsy of that bump but they are unsure if it relates. My thought is a bulging disk since her neck hurts to move certain ways, she's able to walk but you can see her shake when she lowers her head. Any thoughts? We are incredibly worried about our baby.
submitted by InspectionAgile8616 to AskVet [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Sea_Copy8488 beginner question for table saw blades
I want to be sure that this blade can be used on the jobsite table saw (model DWE7485).
I am pretty sure the answer is yes, but then my questions is, why do they have two pictutres of circular saw on the blade and no picture of table saw or miter saw ? :
submitted by Sea_Copy8488 to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 catinthehatonthemat Looking at an apt at 54 Noll St (right above the Foodtown)- Thoughts on the area?
submitted by catinthehatonthemat to Bushwick [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Shernabonk Dedução de PRR à coleta
Tenho uma duvida acerca do potencial benefício fiscal da dedução do valor investido num PPR. Assumindo que opto por deduzir o valor investido, e se mantiver um determinado PPR por mais de 8 anos e, se por algum motivo, tiver de resgatar o valor antes de me reformar, preciso de devolver esse valor e a multa associada por cada ano? Ou mantendo o produto esse tempo, fico automaticamente "isento" da devolução? Obrigado!
submitted by Shernabonk to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 MasterBear31 Anyone who has time to waste on this game is unemployed lol
Change my mind.
submitted by MasterBear31 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Ok-Knowledge3600 [XB1]H: fancy devils blood vial W: offers
submitted by Ok-Knowledge3600 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 GhostHacks Aftermarket sub without Fender/Helix
Hey everyone, I have a 2019 Golf (base model) that doesn’t appear to have the amplifieinfotainment component in the glove box and I’m trying to add a aftermarket subwoofer using an Audio Control LS2i LOC. Do I need to tap the wiring harness behind the touch display to access the correct speaker outputs? Does anyone have the pinout information for the harness that plugs into the back of the touchscreen? I’ve only been able to find info on the connections that go to the glovebox unit.
submitted by GhostHacks to VWMK7 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Alarmed-Code8880 Pasaporte europeo para gatos en España: ¿cómo se hace?
Hola, comunidad! Soy italiana viviendo en Valencia desde hace poco y estoy buscando información sobre cómo sacar el pasaporte europeo para mi gata. Ella ya tiene microchip y todas las vacunas al día, pero no tengo muy claro el proceso. ¿Alguien sabe si este trámite se hace en alguna oficina gubernamental o donde puedo buscar un veterinario autorizado? Además, ¿alguien tiene idea de cuánto cuesta y cuánto tiempo lleva? Cualquier dato será super útil, ¡gracias de antemano! 🙏 submitted by Alarmed-Code8880 to valencia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 CrazyBannaPuffs 💀 am i an alt?
submitted by CrazyBannaPuffs to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Educational_Panic113 Nether Portal in atm10.
submitted by Educational_Panic113 to MinecraftDe [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 RevolutionaryDog3977 ¿Debería cortar el apoyo económico?
Un poco de contexto, mi actual novio tiene una hija, yo conozco a la madre y a la niña, actualmente él y yo vivimos juntos. Ella jamás trabajó, no apoyó en su casa y era más carga que apoyo, por lo que él eventualmente se cansó y se terminaron separando. Él tiene múltiples deudas en tarjetas de crédito, que se supone que pagarían los dos pero ajá, ella nunca buscó un trabajo. Aunque nos va bien, ya que yo sí trabajo, no quita que parte de su dinero se va con ellas. No me molesta, entiendo que la niña y la madre necesitan el dinero. La cosa aquí, ya van varios meses que yo pago la leche de la niña, no es mi obligación, pero si puedo apoyarlo a él cuando se queda sin dinero, no me molesta. Aquí el asunto es que ella ha estado hablando muy mal de mí, publicando indirectas con detalles muy específicos que se nota claramente que habla de mí. Me trata de "ser sin cerebro, idiota, y más insultos", traté de ignorar, pero eventualmente, me cansó ya que él no pone límites. Tampoco quiero que la niña se vea afectada por las tonterías de su madre, pero al mismo tiempo, es molesto que yo esté horas trabajando y ella solo extienda la mano, tome mi dinero y aún así, hable mal de mí. ¿Debería dejar de apoyarlo económicamente?
submitted by RevolutionaryDog3977 to TengoMiedoDePreguntar [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Yesdiamond Kids make better lightsaber duels than Disney
submitted by Yesdiamond to MakeMeSmile [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Temporary_Village_19 Help me choose
I am confused between the S12 pro ($140), Tangzu Heyday Wu ($155) and the Aful Performer 5 ($165). I am currently using the Hexas and listen to Rock, funk, metal, pop and hip-hop.
submitted by Temporary_Village_19 to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Consistent_Back7887 My favorites
submitted by Consistent_Back7887 to pokemon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 slooise Store meetings
Is it policy to attend a store meeting in dress code? Our store manager just asked us to be dress code appropriate and I’ve never had this as a requirement since I was hired in 2011…..obviously appropriate attire, but never dress code.
submitted by slooise to starbucks [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 3ndur3Surviv3 Is it just me or is this absurdly high?
Hey everyone, new here. I’ve had a myriad of unpleasant symptoms for years now. I’ve been suspecting Cushings… A doctor decided to test my cortisol level (blood) and it came back at 44.5 at 10AM…. That seems extremely high, am I wrong? I had a follow up with the endocrinologist and he doesn’t seem too concerned “because I’m on birth control,” but is having me do the 24 urine and midnight saliva test in the upcoming days.
submitted by 3ndur3Surviv3 to Cushings [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 teeething Milan free consult wasn’t free?
Anyone who’s a client with them, please help! Confused… I saw this so I went in for a consult (that I thought would be free) and they charged me $200 for the beginning of my finance plan and said I’ll be charged every month on the 13th now.
submitted by teeething to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 fernandodasilva carai expulsaram o pássaro do São Caetano
submitted by fernandodasilva to Futebola [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 Disastrous-While7088 Is this good for 4 months of investing
is this a good % return? i started 4 months ago and haven’t put much because im still learning how to invest and when to invest, is this a good %?
submitted by Disastrous-While7088 to trading212 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Pure-Researcher-8229 Looking for examples of 2D character animation in VR / 360 video
Looking for some good examples of 2D illustration animation that's been created for VR in 360 video
Anyone know any good examples?
submitted by Pure-Researcher-8229 to animation [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 Constant-Car-3247 Anyone know what this is?
My pipes have been frozen for a little over 24 hours. I’ve done all the stuff. Cabinets open, let water drip, run space heaters, etc. no luck. I’m now trying to track where the water lines actually run in my house to figure out where it might be frozen. I’m on a slab and have a well. This is the only copper piping I see in the attic and it’s in line with the washer in the garage. Looks like it runs out of the roof. Is this water line? submitted by Constant-Car-3247 to Plumbing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 20:54 hahahahahhahaaa Woher haben die Lines ihren Ursprung?
Moin, denke die meisten kennen Lines wie: „warum reimt sich kollegah auf flowfehler?“ oder „Alibumaye, wieso reimt sich dein Name auf Haribogelee?“
Woher haben die Lines ihren Ursprung bzw. Welches war die erste Line dieser Art?
submitted by hahahahahhahaaa to GermanRap [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 20:54 SocialDemocracies DNC: Trump’s Treasury Secretary Will Give Billionaires ANOTHER Round of Tax Handouts | Scott Bessent: “This is the single most important economic issue of the day. This is pass/fail. If we do not fix these tax cuts, if we do not renew and extend, then we will be facing an economic calamity.”
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Political_Revolution [link] [comments] |