2025.01.24 14:53 THR_Danny_TW 鼓勵政府支持煙霧減害的科學實證研究
生活中心/綜合報導-2025-01-24 10:00:00 近年來,社團法人台灣永續健康福祉協會持續關注國內與國際間有關健康福祉之發展,包括公共衛生及環境保護等議題,推動相關研究、教育宣導及政策倡議,旨在保障民眾健康權益。2024年,協會以生活環境當中常見的「煙霧減害」為議題,進行年度訪談計畫,受訪對象涵蓋不同領域的專家學者,包括公共衛生、健康醫學、毒物、法律等,以提出減害相關政策倡議。 專家學者指出,長期暴露在PM2.5的煙霧霾害環境中,會造成肺癌、冠心病及呼吸系統疾病,像是哮喘或者是慢性阻塞性肺炎等等,而空氣汙染與二手菸產生的煙霧中的PM2.5懸浮微粒,是台灣民眾生活環境中較為嚴重的煙霧危害議題。為了降低二手菸的危害,瑞典政府將新興菸品作為替代商品,作為煙霧減害的具體作法。 政府應支持大型科學實證研究 台灣永續健康福祉協會秘書長孫銘宗博士指出認為,政府需投注資源與經費,支持煙霧減害的大型科學實證研究。政府或大型第三方應支持具有公信力的檢測單位進行科學實證研究,提出足以信服的檢測結果,以補足國內目前較少的研究數據,包括菸品對青少年的誘導性及成癮性、足夠的健康風險評估數據、吸菸人口模型等推算方式,以建構長期研究觀察及可信的科學資料。台灣永續健康福祉協會顧問陳佳煌博士從毒理學觀點表示,不同菸草產品的健康危害仍需長期觀察。雖然部分學者認為不同菸草產品的煙霧與暴露的危害物質不同,但暴露影響與健康風險評估仍需要時間累積研究證據。 認識減害光譜 了解不同類型產品的風險 危害光譜(harm spectrum)意指,將物質以不同程度的危害由低至高呈現出來,讓物質的使用程度與危害風險在光譜上得以形成區別,減害光譜則可呈現不同物質成分對健康影響程度從危害高到危害低的範圍。其實,減害概念已經廣泛使用於愛滋減害與環境減害的領域當中,亦有許多相關研究從減害效果與減害光譜來對不同成分的物質以及健康風險的危害進行科學實證。 協會藉由訪談計畫,彙整目前專家學者對於煙霧減害的不同觀點,顯見煙霧減害的具體方向仍有討論空間,且國外已經有相關研究,我國亦需要透過本土科學實證研究去探討減害相關議題。對於社會關心的成癮性與青少年族群使用的相關議題,未來政府應持續對話與溝通,建立符合社會需求與全民健康的生活環境與政策方向。 https://www.nownews.com/amp/news/6638615 心得: 美國總統川普支持電子菸幫助戒煙。菸草減害 無煙台灣,電子菸合法抽稅納管! submitted by THR_Danny_TW to Taiwanese [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 14:53 GraceCambiri Someone explain!!
I'm an Australian, so high school is so fundamentally different here. Are there genuinely security guards wandering the halls of American schools like they do in a bunch of Choices books? Or is that just added in for upping the stakes? Also what the heck is a pep rally and why is it compulsory to attend? submitted by GraceCambiri to Choices [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 14:53 SvalbardDream By the Way - Mayday Parade
Absolutely been obsessed with this song lately. However, from the moment I first heard it, the opening piano riff sounded super familiar.
After looking around a bit, I think I know why- it seems to be an altered/sped up version very similar to John Hiatt’s song ‘Have a Little Faith in Me.’ Can anyone else hear the comparison, or am I just hearing something that isn’t there? (I’m not saying the similarity is a bad thing at all; in fact, Hiatt’s song is one of my all-time favorite songs and this feels like an entirely new, fresh take on the melody. I love both songs so much, pop punk or not.)
submitted by SvalbardDream to poppunkers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 ghosted_expert AITAH for going no contact with a guy who ghosted me for a week?
for context me and this guy dated a year ago and we broke up on good terms very soon after we started dating. a month after that we started talking and it was not platonic. he complimented me and he always said he missed me and things like that. we talked every day for hours and i was super happy because he really is the man of my dreams ( i know cringy but idk what else to say!)
one week he just stops talking to me. i send him texts and he just leaves them on read. i think nothing of it for a few days , but on the wednesday i get a text from a friend of his that i am also good friends with. he says that the guy i’ve been talking to has been saying to everyone that i am fugly, a bitch and the reason he will never date anyone tall again (i am 5,10”) i was genuinely stunned because he always said he didn’t care about my height when i said i was insecure about it.
i don’t do anything for a couple of days but after that i decide to send him a text basically saying that i know what he has said to all of our friends and that i deserve an explanation on why he suddenly ghosted me. he gives a weak response saying something like he was visiting his cousins and had no spare time, when i literally saw him alone in a starbucks on his phone, and he didn’t even deny that he said those horrible things about me.
i said to him that i thought i could trust him but i was obviously wrong and that i thought it was best that we don’t speak anymore. he is telling everyone that i am overreacting. AITAH?
submitted by ghosted_expert to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 J3cko Reading an address in Rome, Italy
I was wondering if there was anybody that could help me read the address of Carmine Bonanni. I'm having a big struggle with it and I little help would be really appreciated.
submitted by J3cko to ItalianGenealogy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 vaberan69 They can’t even keep accounts secure or respond with proper customer support so what the hell was I paying for anyways
I hope they change their ways
submitted by vaberan69 to 2007scape [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 LiterallyJustLuna [A3][Recruiting][Saturday][Semi-Serious][EU/NA][PMC][SCP] 'Valravn Corporation' - VLRVN
https://preview.redd.it/hdqkc8qmgyee1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a948e01e6b150475261e953ad55f48af76eefbe Language: English Age: 16+ Time/Date: 18:30-21:00 GMT+1 (including brief/gearing up) / Saturday WHO ARE WE? Valravn Corporation is a Private Miltiary Company set in the SCP universe. We offer a conventional military experience with a little bit of anomalous stuff sprinkled in and welcome any and all ArmA3 players of any heritage or ability. VLRVN is a new unit looking to welcome all those who are interested in a typical but still unique military experience and hold a little bit of passion towards the mysterious world of SCP! All Players welcome! Come join us in on the fun! HOW WE OPERATE VLRVN promises a plethora of immersive experiences that include but don't limit themselves to: - Infantry - Specialized Infantry (Medics, Engineers, ...) - Mechanized / Fixed / Rotary Elements - Special Squads / Units We assume a relaxed stance within our OPs but encourage all those who partake to immerse themselves in their role by focusing on communication and teamwork! Our focus on attendance is mediocre - Those who can not attend shouldn't and obviously; Your actual life comes first! OP SCHEDULE - Main: Saturday, 18:30 (Join time) -> 21:00 GMT+1 - Side: Tuesday-Friday, same time -> This is for our playerbase to host their own Operations if they wish to! WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? We accept anyone, regardless of your previous MILSIM/ARMA experience. Here are some of the kinds of people we are looking for:
Joining the Unit does include finishing a little BCT course that is just a rundown of all the core mechanics and features of our Modpack - If you wish to act as a Medic or other important Role, we offer several TQCs (Trainings/Qualifications/Certifications) for you to explore and improve in! Our Discord: https://discord.gg/PnKe5HqUVV submitted by LiterallyJustLuna to FindAUnit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 14:53 SpaceElevatorMusic Bill requiring SD public schools to display and teach Ten Commandments passes committee
submitted by SpaceElevatorMusic to politics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 14:53 Lower-Purpose1407 Agar and GSW
Does anyone make agar with GSW? if so, do you only use GSW or do you add other dry ingredients such as malt extract? Thanks and happy growing!
submitted by Lower-Purpose1407 to unclebens [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Middle_Promise2181 Fifa22 ps4 vs Fifa 23ps4 offline gameplay vs computer
Is Fifa22 better than Fifa 23 ps4 versions for overall gameplay? I got fifa23 recently and the gameplay is bad because shooting is pathetic and defending is horrible.
submitted by Middle_Promise2181 to FIFA22 [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 bigcory69 Warm weather transplants, how are you dealing with the winter weather?
Was this your first winter in a cold environment? How are you dealing?
submitted by bigcory69 to Indiana [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 violetdarklock Bebi?
I went by your office building today. No, it wasn’t on purpose. I didn’t know that that was where I needed to be today.
Funny how things happen. Last night was the first time in a long time that I ugly cried. It felt like we broke up all over again. And today, I drove past the sidewalks and imagined a silhouette of you and I from the past—hand in hand, unaware of what a year from then would look like.
It’s hard, Bebi. I know now why it feels hard. When we were together, I used to drift to sleep thinking of our future home, our life with our pets, getting to do the things we want to without anything in our way.
Now, I don’t know what to think about when I lay in bed. All I imagined for the past year was the rest of my life with you in it.
I always think back to when you sat me down.
“I think we should break up,” you said.
I left.
I wish I didn’t.
I wish I kneeled. Begged. Asked for you to change your mind.
I still want to call you up, but you blocked my number.
This is my first life, P. I’m sorry for what went wrong during our relationship. I want to give you so much more. I don’t want to realize my mistakes with you and make it up with someone else. I want to do right with you.
But I can’t anymore. You got tired of me.
I’m lost. This is my first life, my only life. And you’re still the only one I want.
I miss you so much. You have no idea.
Some days, I am better. Some days, the grief is overwhelming.
Most days, my love for you perseveres—whatever my emotion is.
submitted by violetdarklock to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Hambone2619 Airport or plastic surgery center
Has anyone here worked at either? I need stability for a year until I go out on my own. I am trying to pay off debt. The airport is 4 days a week but it's second shift. The surgery center is M-F 8:30-4:30. Do you believe ppl are getting plastic surgery in this economy?
submitted by Hambone2619 to MassageTherapists [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 PresenceEmergency428 Need help in identifying and removing this algae
submitted by PresenceEmergency428 to Aquariums [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Blue_____life Waiting for a court of mist and fury 💔
I just finished A Court of Thorns and Roses, and I’m completely hooked! I’m waiting on the second book, but it could take months—it seems like everyone’s reading the series right now. Do you have any tips on where I can read the rest of the series for free? I’ve already tried Libby and Hoopla with no luck.
I’m so excited to join the ACOTAR community—I haven’t enjoyed a series like this in a long time! If you have any cool memes or fan content, please share!
submitted by Blue_____life to acotar [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Icy_Ant_3031 What are these? Supply vents?
There are 6 of these around the outside of my house at roof level. What are they? Supply air vents? Do they connect to the HVAC system or are they there simply for attic ventilation?
They look filthy but I don't have any way to reach them since they're high up. Should they be cleaned?
submitted by Icy_Ant_3031 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 pinkolivies United Kingdom, Lake District
Household of 2! Not pictured are 18 eggs Most expensive item was a flank steak submitted by pinkolivies to Grocerycost [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 14:53 BillyButcha1 Any karaoke places going on?
Hej all. Wondering if there are any karaoke places going on at this time in Odense. Got my vocal cords feeling sharp today. Feeling in the mood for some drinking and karaoke tonight
submitted by BillyButcha1 to odense [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Humble_Recover9974 2 Days Post Snip
I recently had a no scalpel vasectomy procedure done 2 days ago and not sure why I waited so long (33 yr). Before we got married over 10 yrs ago we both agreed that we didn’t want to have kids and we both never changed our opinions.
Consulting appointment took less than 5 mins with a quick rundown of the procedure, drop of the pants, and a mention that if I wanted to get re connected it would be about 10k.
Day before I drank about 50oz of pineapple juice to see if this would prevent swelling. My wife did this prior to getting 4 wisdom teeth removed at once and swore by it.
Day of the procedure got checked in and was told it was going to be 500 bucks that I would owe. My wife then gave me a look and I know I messed up lol. Apparently the office left me a voicemail a week before but I never check since I get so many robo calls. I asked if I could get billed later and the response was no, which I still think was odd. (Let me know your thoughts) I have pretty good health insurance that covers both of us with no premium and was told I needed to pay my deductible.
On to the actual procedure, I wasn’t offered any pre op meds and generally felt fine but still a bit anxious. Once the doctor came in it took all 15 minutes. Just felt a sting from local sedative and a tug or two. The doctor was great and kept the small talk light with a few jokes. I generally hate small talk but in that awkward position it was better than silence.
Post op has been smooth with applying ice every 30 mins. I have experienced no swelling or discolor so I’ll say the pineapple juice was a win. Ive taken no pain meds and only experiencing minor discomfort. I have barely left the couch and looking forward to doing some walking tomorrow.
My wife has been awesome and even made me a cake to celebrate the occasion.
submitted by Humble_Recover9974 to Vasectomy [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Clear-Regret7445 Cut from yesterday's show?
Just turning on yesterday's video... I notice the length is only 1:38. This means about 15 minutes or so was cut. Anyone know what was cut out? Did there happen to be a karaoke or other music game yesterday? I've noticed they cut those. But I also know they cut a good portion of a conversation with Jeff Mercedes and Jamie a few weeks ago so I'm Just curious. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Clear-Regret7445 to JeffLewisSirius [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Pamsreddit1 So the legislators are so fuckin worried about transgender athletes, they can’t even be bothered to get prop tax relief right????? Now we have to wait till they fix it before we can even file state taxes???? What a fucking client show- typical MAGAt bullshit!!!
What I said.
submitted by Pamsreddit1 to Nebraska [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 Anxious_Appearance16 Is there any hope? For new updates...
Bc it's doesn't release a single chapter last 3 months😕
submitted by Anxious_Appearance16 to Manhua [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 nunumaus Can’t change community type
Created my first subreddit, forgot to set to 18+. When I went to change it in Mod Tools, check the button and Save, it says “Failed to update community type”. This in on the iOS app
submitted by nunumaus to modhelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 GlassCompetition6799 Any cultural scholarship programs?
Hey guys! 19F here. I recently (first time in my life) tried to apply for a scholarship program for the camp in another country. And I was rejected from the first stage…..
I never tried before because there’s a stigma of these kind of scholarships in our country,especially for my family. Most of them are scammers. There were people I knew who tried these programs but I was still scared to try. And most of them were already preparing for these for a long time. But this opportunity was given to me by my aunt. So I tried and got rejected. I saw some people saying that the way they choose people for the first stage was random which I hope it was not cause that would be unfair😭🥲
But! I wanna try more rn. Do you guys know any similar cultural camps or scholarship programs for people with Uzbekistan citizenship? And do you guys know what should I avoid doing in the future?
submitted by GlassCompetition6799 to studyAbroad [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 14:53 dingdangdoodaloo Guilty of Being One of the Bros
submitted by dingdangdoodaloo to GuiltyDogs [link] [comments]