Does pubg ever help people get their accounts back?

2025.02.01 18:42 ConsiderationTop1197 Does pubg ever help people get their accounts back?

Does pubg ever help people get their accounts back? I've submitted claim the night the account got hacked, never got a response and then when i went to do another claim it said that there was suspicious activity detected in the account and to contact the support team for a manual review. I did that 3 times, mailed pubg for updates providing additional proof. Been 3 weeks since I've been trying. Hundreds of dollars gone to waste and they won't even bother with an honest feedback đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž. I can't even use the account recovery tool with this popping up and filling that didn't even get me a response. Can any moderators at least look into this for me? I'm going insane waiting for a response meanwhile the hacker is still using the account, bro so noob that his kd is 2 even with superbots around, hurts my heart to see my account in such state!
submitted by ConsiderationTop1197 to PUBGMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Belle047 2025 Canadian Vacation Spots?

At the end of 2024 my friends and I were debating a trip to Las Vegas in 2025 but have since reconsidered our plans. I'm from Alberta so BC and the Rocky Mountains are where I usually go when I think about traveling locally.
Where else is travel noteworthy in Canada for those looking? I haven't seen a thread yet talking about Canadian Vacation spots so I thought I'd start one.
Picture: Abraham Lake, Alberta. Jasper, AB is still recovering from the wildfire but tourism is still encouraged to help the local economy recover.
submitted by Belle047 to BuyCanadian [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Dewa__ Question about skins

Question about skins
Were the skins in the other Hoyo games also similar to ZZZ? In the way that skins in ZZZ also change the characters' voice lines and such, wondering if they did the same with the other games as I've never bought them there
Bought Ellen's skin with spare MCs cause she's both immensely cute and cool, and I've actually enjoyed it a whole lot more with these new skin-appropriate voice lines
submitted by Dewa__ to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 fire-sword What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fire-sword to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 lPHOTONl A Far Cry 6 Funtage

A Far Cry 6 Funtage submitted by lPHOTONl to farcry6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Same-Accident-9209 Gyms in San Jose & surrounding areas

Hi everyone! I moved to San Jose in September and every weekend I go back to Delano / Hanford to visit family & mainly to go to the gyms I loved. I havnt found a gym similar to the private owned ones I would go to that have a lot of machines and powerlifting / bodybuilding equipment . Any recommendations?? Distance isn’t an issue but preferably a gym that is open late
submitted by Same-Accident-9209 to SanJose [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 ImmMaryam Why don’t they say goodbye or give closure? It can be really tough when we don’t get the reassurance we need.

submitted by ImmMaryam to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 -_LustfulNovelty_- Look what I bought today!! âœŒïžđŸ˜˜

Look what I bought today!! âœŒïžđŸ˜˜ submitted by -_LustfulNovelty_- to energydrinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 projekt_119 Everybody just slow down for a minute

here's an idea i had earlier this week! how busted or underpowered would it be? (i am aware of [[Fear Of Sleep Paralysis]])
submitted by projekt_119 to custommagic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 IntelligentFlower944 Krutika đŸ©·

Krutika đŸ©· submitted by IntelligentFlower944 to IGCHotgirls [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Emotional-Ad-6494 Who do you see to help you move 401k to RRSP? Didn’t know I needed IRA before I moved

Is there like a cross border financial advisor or title like that that could help me? Tried Wealthsimple but they can’t accept US transfers
submitted by Emotional-Ad-6494 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Suspicious-Search-50 Timeline

Timeline submitted by Suspicious-Search-50 to Memeloid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Moriah_Nightingale (SPS day/fundraising) Please support my art if you can, we’re really struggling and anything helps.

(SPS day/fundraising) Please support my art if you can, we’re really struggling and anything helps. submitted by Moriah_Nightingale to cfs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 DirtHutCaver Made an orc knight! "Grok Knightly"

submitted by DirtHutCaver to simsmedieval [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 sxcccxbxs Advice

May I ask for some advice here?
Hello, I (18F), am in a relationship with my boyfriend (19M). I would like to know what more I could do to show him that I appreciate him, outside of the things / pointers he has given me. He has recently gone above and beyond for me, which I'm going to spend the rest of my life thanking him for, and I was wondering what could I do. I've started telling him more about how I appreciate him / I see the effort he's putting in with me, that I'm proud of him and the progress he makes, and I always try to make note when he does something I've asked him to do in the past, later thanking him for it. I'd like to clarify, I do much more than this, just don't want to go on a tangent. However, I'd like to know, from guys, what would be nice to hear or receive from your lover ? I would like to ask, as well, if it would be nice for me to be more verbal with my love for him? I ask, since I have a hard time being vulnerable and showing him how much I love him over text, ( I'm very affectionate in person, physically, but rarely can I get the words out to him face-to-face ), to the point I wait until I know he's not at his phone / available to text / asleep to send him a long messages on how much I love him. I have been in many toxic relationships before him, if that helps give any of you insight on why I'm so weird about being affectionate up front in person and over text, (verbally). I'm very grateful to have met such a wonderful person as him, I don't want to make him feel taken granted for, or that I don't appreciate the things he has done for me. TDLR; I wanted some pointers on how to show my boyfriend that I love him and appreciate him. Any input and advice is very welcomed.
submitted by sxcccxbxs to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 kasivahtni Jimmie Allen’s baby mama drama

Jimmie Allen’s baby mama drama Jimmie posted this on Threads yesterday, assuming it’s about his ex-wife, Alexis/Lex. I’m pretty sure she has her own aesthetics company, so this is an interesting take. He’s always rambling about something.. someone seriously needs to take his social media away.
Also, looks like the twins’ baby mama is pregnant again. Assuming it’s his because he is very much still in the picture according to her IG.
He’s really pulling a Nick Cannon..
submitted by kasivahtni to CelebWivesNash2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 nerdydude24 Modern Animated Harley Quinn from America and Japan respectively. Both are amazing and it's a great time to be a Harley Quinn fan.

Modern Animated Harley Quinn from America and Japan respectively. Both are amazing and it's a great time to be a Harley Quinn fan. submitted by nerdydude24 to HarleyQuinn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 getoutyourbanjo Should I be worried?

Should I be worried? There are a ton of little white dots in the soil of my pothos. I’m terrified they might be eggs

I bottom water when the soil is dry up to the first knuckle, and it is right by a big sliding door and gets tons of light.
submitted by getoutyourbanjo to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 InfamousArteaga Izzy’s Fashion Shop.

Izzy’s Fashion Shop. Hands down least ugly and best thing I’ve gotten from the shop, everything else always ends up being 🚼 just wanted to show it off, the dress is đŸ‘©đŸŒâ€đŸłđŸ’‹
submitted by InfamousArteaga to SimsMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 mtrulapereira No crank no start 3.8ljk

Hey guys, I could use some advice. I just changed all the o2 sensors and map sensor in my jeep jk 3.8 liter. When I went to start the jeep, it did a crank but no start. Any ideas what it is?
submitted by mtrulapereira to JeepDIY [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 beeemkcl Live Updates: Democrats Elect Ken Martin, a Party Insider, to Lead the D.N.C. (NYT)

Late Friday, Mr. Wikler disclosed that his financial backers had included the billionaire Reid Hoffman and George Soros’s political action committee, both of which gave him $250,000.
I was relatively ambivalent regarding whether Ken Martin or Ben Wikler would be better to the lead the DNC. Both had pros and cons. I was focused on ensuring that someone more conservative or corporate than those 2 didn't become the new DNC Chair.
Maybe Ben Wikler can look to running for the Wisconsin US Senate seat in 2028. And continuing his good work as the Wisconsin Democratic Chair.
submitted by beeemkcl to Uniteagainsttheright [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 RandomCrapToLookat Danny’s old videos ( question )

I have a question for you guys. Does anyone know why at the end of Danny's older videos, he puts that upbeat circus music? I want to know what Danny is saying, it's been driving me crazy for years.
submitted by RandomCrapToLookat to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 FacrumBe Canon EOS700D trait sur l'Ă©cran

je viens de sortir mon appareil pour faire une photo de la lune, et voici ce que l'Ă©cran m'affiche, en sachant qu'il y a 1 mois rien du tout et qu'il n'y a pas de coup sur l'Ă©cran il est intact.
Une piste ou quoi?
submitted by FacrumBe to CanonCamera [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Tough_Collection_682 What went wrong here?

What went wrong here? A combination of Tru god and tough god. Or truffle god?
submitted by Tough_Collection_682 to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 21BRArt Uma sugestĂŁo de Trilha de Adestrador de Animais

Bem, isso Ă© sĂł uma coisa que eu pensei durante um banho e fiquei um pouco triste de nĂŁo ter uma trilha especĂ­fica sobre isso tanto no livro base quanto no suplemento. Uma trilha especializada em usar animais, eu sinceramente nĂŁo sei qual classe se encaixaria bem para isso, mas tive algumas ideias.
Como o Especialista, que poderia ter tipo aqueles animais treinados, podendo ajudar em investigaçÔes ou em combates, ajudando no suporte, distraindo o inimigo ou até mesmo atacando.
Ou o Ocultista (talvez isso seja exagerar um pouco, mas mesmo assim eu acharia legal ter alguĂ©m na minha mesa assim), usando meio que o mesmo esquema do combatente monstruoso, a aparti de um nĂ­vel de NEX, vocĂȘ pode transcender com o seu "bichinho de estimação" e escolher um elemento para ele, entĂŁo quanto mais exposição ele vai tendo, mais forte ele vai ficar (Quase um PokĂ©mon demonĂ­aco kk).
É sĂł uma ideia besta que eu tive, jĂĄ que eu vi que usam pouquĂ­ssimo a perĂ­cia de adestramento sem ter uma campanha com um player com um cachorro ou um periquito... AlĂ©m de dar uma utilidade maior para os bichinhos mecanicamente falando.
submitted by 21BRArt to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments]