2025.01.23 09:53 mostafa_issa98 These are hooded eyes right?
submitted by mostafa_issa98 to HoodedEyes [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 KeyCarob4340 Please provide feedbavk on my routine
I’m a 27-year-old male, 180 cm tall, seeking advice on my fitness routine and progress.
Background: I began my gym journey in November 2024, opting for a personalized 5x5 program to maintain consistency. This routine involves performing compound barbell exercises like squats, bench presses, and barbell rows for 5 sets of 5 reps, three times a week. 
Current Status: With increased comfort in the gym, I’m considering transitioning to a 3-day full-body workout to enhance volume and better align with my goals. An example of such a routine includes exercises like squats, bench presses, pull-ups or lat pull-downs, shoulder presses, leg curls, and bicep curls, performed for 3 sets of 6-8 reps. 
Goals: My primary objective is to lose weight while building muscle. Starting at 110 kg, I aim to reach at least 80 kg. I’ve been mindful of my diet, though the holidays posed challenges. Despite this, I’ve managed to lose about 1 kg during this period.
Request for Feedback: • Routine Evaluation: Is the proposed 3-day full-body workout sufficient for achieving my weight loss and muscle-building goals? • Dietary Advice: Any recommendations on nutritional strategies to support my objectives? • Progress Assessment: Is a 1 kg weight loss over the holiday period considered positive progress?
I appreciate any insights or suggestions from the community to help refine my approach.
submitted by KeyCarob4340 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 SAARB_ 7. Spieltag Europa league. Heute wird in zwei deutschen Stadien gespielt.
submitted by SAARB_ to EuropaLeague [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Top-Discipline6421 WHEN WILL THOSE HAVING PAYMENT IN REVIEW PAID
Can the outlier team tell us why the payments are in review and whether they will pay it. We need to move on with our life's. Let them write an email or an announcement of the reason.
submitted by Top-Discipline6421 to outlier_ai [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 OsirisAI Stock Information for BTCUSD - 60m
#BTCUSD #60m #Crypto───────────
Ensemble model * Overview: The synthetic investment attractiveness indicator equals 21 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble suggests that trading will tend to be attractive in the nearest future. The synthetic directional indicator equals 37 (out of +/-100). The model ensemble predicts that the market will be bullish in the nearest future.
Optimal past * Optimal past: The optimal lookback period for modelling is currently 87 candles. The market is currently bearish, depreciating by 3.0% during the latest phase.
Elliot Waves * Elliot Waves: The market's trend has changed and currently goes down.
2025.01.23 09:53 RealHousewife32 Don't care about Kyle's text
Is anyone finding this season extremely boring? Yes kyle sent a text. This has dragged on for numerous episodes. Really boring. Is there nothing else going on in Beverly hills? 😴😴😴
submitted by RealHousewife32 to RHOBH [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Awkward_Round_2994 Sült zöldség
Nemsokára kezdem a hozzátáplálást, és érdekelne hogy van e valami oka annak, hogy a védőnő elzárkózott attól, hogy főzés helyett süssük a zöldségeket a kicsinek. Én villával szètnyomkodott verzióval szeretném kezdeni, nagyon sok zöldséget eszünk, de elsősorban sütni szoktuk őket pici olíva olajjal sütőben kockázva. (Gyakorlatilag nem sül ropogósra, csak párolódik, illetve a szélén lesz kis színe.) A maradiságán kívül miért tartotta butaságnak a kérdésem a védőnő? Persze ha van élettani oka hogy inkább főzni kell, akkor megfőzöm neki a dolgokat, de szerintem ízre jobb a sült zöldség, megindokolni meg nem tudta miért csak a főzés a megfelelő hőkezelés.
Ezen kívül én nem tudom van e értelme tuti nem allergén dolgokat külön külön adni neki (pl szerintem krumpli rögtön mehetne sütőtökkel stb.), de a védőnő szerint ez rossz módszer. Továbbá szerinte mindenképpen pürèvel kell kezdeni, ezt mondjuk azóta a saját anyám is megcáfolta, pedig kb egy korosztály...
Nem akarok ráfeszülni a ht-ra, de szeretnék minden lehetőséget megadni a kicsinek hogy mihamarabb "felnőtt" ételt ehessen, a neki megfelelő módon (só stb nélkül).
Köszi a segítséget!
submitted by Awkward_Round_2994 to csakmamik [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 AkyuuQiu Ke Jie should do this
Ai submitted by AkyuuQiu to baduk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:53 ilvoetypos Hozzáfér valaki az eredeti e-mailhez? Ossza meg a következő módon:
submitted by ilvoetypos to programmingHungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 CiaranJames91 Why thinner isn’t better
Might be an unpopular opinion but having upgraded from an SE1 to the Series 10 I constantly find myself frustrated with the thinness of the series 10. The Digital Crown is just overlappingly big to the point it’s unusable and drags against my skin. I find pressing it makes it unresponsive. Anyone else think it’s an issue or just me? I never looked at my SE1 and thought “this needs to be thinner”
submitted by CiaranJames91 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 TheOldVersion Best way for beginner players to know which runes and items to consider?
Beginner player trying to learn support with Nami as one of my champs. I'm looking for a site or op.gg profile that I can reference for what runes to use and what items I should be considering. I know that this can change based on matchup but I'd like something to get started with and then I can learn to itemize using the options given.
Currently my rune page is Aery/Manaflow/Transcendence/Scorch with Bone Plating/Revitalize and adaptive/adaptive/level based health.
For Items, Imperial Mandate > Lucidity > Shurelya > Moonstone and Dream Maker support. I don't usually build a last item but I'm low elo so sometimes games drag on and I end up making Ardent instead of holding Control Wards.
Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by TheOldVersion to NamiMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 sofiagrza I dont know where else to ask this...
I'm a really self conscious about this, but I've never danced before in my life. Like ever. Not alone in my room, not even as a child. It might have something to do with being autistic and feeling very uncomfortable moving and expressing myself through my body, but -
it is my goal and dream to teach myself to feel more comfortable in it, to move gracefully, and to be able to enjoy dancing with my husband someday. I just have no idea where to start. I'm not just a beginner in that Ive never taken a class or am not a professional. I've quite literally never danced before. (or played any sports, even casually)
My husband has offered to pay for begginer dance lessons for me but I'm afraid it would still be too difficult or uncomfortable especially if they're not private lessons. What can I do? What should I work on before/if I decide to take classes? How do I feel comfortable moving by body to music when it feels so foreign?
submitted by sofiagrza to BALLET [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 WhereOwlsKnowMyName newKillswitchEngageSongArtHasSomeKindOfIsEvenFunctionOnIt
submitted by WhereOwlsKnowMyName to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 09:53 Logical-Camera-7090 H: red asylum incl hat, irad sugar bombs, leader bbh and some other stuff W: reflective x4, troubleshooters x3 and vampire x1
submitted by Logical-Camera-7090 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Adventurous_Rub9841 Google Account Recovery
Hello, good morning, afternoon or evening, does anyone here know how to recover an email from Google?
About 2 years ago I lost an email from the Gmail domain, I lost it in the hands of someone else, someone else is using this email that is actually mine so all kinds of security is in their number or name. and now I'm curious to recover that account, could someone here help me. I am willing to discuss a recovery fee.
submitted by Adventurous_Rub9841 to googleassistant [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Positive_Leather914 Can I convert my Electrical Service Technician qualification to an Electrician? If Yes, how?
I am a qualified Electrical Service Technician. I have read that you require 4000 hours of work to become an Electrician. I have worked more than double that number of hours, and I can do all the work that an Electrician in New Zealand can do. (I have done Electrician work abroad.) I have made the mistake of doing EST instead of Electrician. Can I convert my EST qualification to Electrician?
If there is anyone out there who can give me advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Positive_Leather914 to electrical [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 kokoobomb Hello! 😄
submitted by kokoobomb to sfwselfiesph [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 kurkura_samosa Help needed : meeting a girl for Arranged Marriage
I am meeting a prospective partner for an arranged marriage ( not by my will ofcourse) .I like her pic though I don't know anything about her. All I know is a name and her pic. What should I talk to her about? Like what all should I ask her ....as in if we end up marrying....I tried my best to delay it but it seems I am meeting her this weekend.
submitted by kurkura_samosa to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Hopeful-Speed-256 Runkulle
submitted by Hopeful-Speed-256 to NelliOrell1 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 Jia_mincan Mova P10 Pro Ultra
submitted by Jia_mincan to MOVA_robotvacuum [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 berdanaksoy GLRMK
Birkaç gün önce borsada işleme başlayan GLRMK için ne düşünüyorsunuz? Ben Çağdaş Cam gibi bir süre yükselmeye devam edeceğini düşünüyorum. Ytd.
submitted by berdanaksoy to Yatirim [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 jam-hay Do UK Bitcoiners think Trump will keep his word on Bitcoin?
As many in the UK will know it's often helpful to real between the lines on politicians and judge them on actions rather than words. Will stick to facts rather than rhetoric as when Bitcoin has entered the political arena at this level I think it's important to Bitcoin and Bitcoiners.
This part of what Trump said when he addressed the Bitcoin conference in Nashville.
I’ve heard from Vivek. 175 million people in some form are involved with this world of crypto and Bitcoin and all of the others. 175 million. So when they heard that, they said, let’s be nice to them, at least until after the election.Think after saying that it'd only fair to question if his actions post-election would differ from what he said prior to the election. Also think its important to hold all politicians to their word.
“If I am elected, it will be the policy of my administration, United States of America, to keep 100% of all the bitcoin the U.S. government currently holds or acquires into the future,”
“We’re going to fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC chairman. I didn’t know he was that unpopular. Well, I didn’t know he was that unpopular. Let me say it again. On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler."
“Upon taking office, I will immediately appoint a Bitcoin and Crypto Presidential Advisory Council.,”
"We’ll be having power plants built at the sites. We’ll be releasing people from certain ridiculous requirements. And we’ll be using fossil fuel to make electricity because we’re going to have to. We’ll be using nuclear. We’ll be doing it in an environmentally friendly way. But we will be creating so much electricity that you’ll be saying, “Please, please, President, we don’t want any more electricity.”"
"If crypto is going to define the future, I want to be mined, minted, and made in the USA it’s going to be. It’s not going to be made anywhere else"
"I pledge to the Bitcoin community that the day I take the oath of office Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ anti-crypto crusade will be over. It will end. It’ll be done. It’ll be done. The moment I’m sworn in the persecution stops and the weaponization ends against your industry."
"no longer will your government sit by and watch as Bitcoin jobs and businesses flee to other countries because America’s laws are too unclear and too tough and too angry and too stiff. We will keep each and every Bitcoin job in the United States of America."
"design transparent regulatory guidance for the benefit of the entire industry and they will get it done in 100 days. We will have regulations but from now on the rules will be written by people who love your industry, not hate your industry"
"Next I will immediately order the Treasury Department and other federal agencies to cease and desist all steps necessary because, you know, there’s a thing going on in your industry."
"The creation of a central bank digital currency is over. Forget it. CBDC. There will never be a CBDC while I’m President of the United States."
"And I will always defend the right to self-custody. Self-custody."
"As we stop the war on crypto, we will immediately, and we’ll do this very quickly, begin to build our economy, because when America is prospering, Bitcoin is soaring, and it’ll go up with it."
"I will cut unnecessary and burdensome regulations, fight every day to make America the best place on earth to build a business, including a crypto business."
"with low energy costs, America will become the world’s undisputed Bitcoin mining powerhouse. You’ll be a Bitcoin mining powerhouse."
"Ultimately, my promise to each and every one of you is this. I will be the pro-innovation and pro-Bitcoin president that America needs and our citizens deserve."
"I repeat my pledge to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht to a sentence of time served."The is what he's done so far...
"I’m proud to be the first major party nominee in American history to accept donations in Bitcoin and crypto. And they’ve made a lot of them, I might tell you. And I appreciate it. Since we made that announcement on May 21st, we have already raised $25 million, much of it in Bitcoin, crypto, and others."
2025.01.23 09:53 Virtual_Stand6360 Her Past Bothers Me, But I Love Her Anyway
Alright, let me get straight to it. I’m 17, and I’m in my first real relationship. I love my girl. She’s 15, and honestly, she’s amazing. But there’s something that’s been messing with my head. She had a past. She had sex when she was 14—not once, but five times—with her ex.
And here’s the thing: I know her ex. We’ve crossed paths before, and I straight-up don’t like the guy(I did not know him before meeting my her)l. He’s an asshole, plain and simple. The thought of him touching her, being close to her in ways I can’t stop picturing—it kills me. It’s not even just about what they did. It’s about him. It’s the fact that someone like that got to be with her before me.
We’ve talked about it a couple of times. She’s been honest, and I appreciate that. She didn’t have to tell me, but she did. Still, I can’t stop this nagging feeling. I hate that she’s been touched like that, that she shared those moments with someone else at such a young age. And yeah, I know—it’s my insecurity talking. I know this is on me.
But it doesn’t stop it from bothering me. I think about it too much, and it’s hard to shake. I’m not proud of it, but it’s the truth. I love her. I really do. But this? It’s tough.
I guess what I’m trying to figure out is how to deal with this. I know her past doesn’t define her, but it’s still there, and it still bothers me. I know I’m the one with the problem here. I’m the one who needs to figure it out. But how? How do I get past this without letting it ruin something that’s so good?
I keep reminding myself: she chose me. Not him, not anyone else—me. I know that should be enough, and most days, it is. But some days, those thoughts creep in, and I hate that they do. I know it’s about being confident, about letting go of the past and focusing on what we have now.
And maybe I’m being selfish, but I needed to let this out. I don’t want this to come between us, but I also need to figure out how to handle it like a man. Because at the end of the day, I don’t want to lose her over something I know is my issue. She’s worth more than that.
submitted by Virtual_Stand6360 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 occult_geometer Cronulla, Sydney
submitted by occult_geometer to Beachporn [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 09:53 DataLonely6718 Do yall think it would be a good idea to play old events you beat? only the ones you beat in TDX?
submitted by DataLonely6718 to TDX_Roblox [link] [comments]