2025.02.01 18:43 Spider-manNn0 OMGGGG

OMGGGG i finally got dexter he was meant to arrive yesterday but he arrived this evening i included a pic of him next to a ruler to show he is huge and BNWT im so happy he was from vinted ❤️❤️❤️🐉
submitted by Spider-manNn0 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Necessary_Sugar5348 Lft for Bsc Challengue :)

Lft for Bsc Challengue :) I know how to play a lot of brawlers and i think im pretty good, +30k and legendary
submitted by Necessary_Sugar5348 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Entity45_ Making your OC's in my style!

Making your OC's in my style! Please also add ~
Bit of lore / traumatic experiences
submitted by Entity45_ to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 lesham67 Live Music Saturday Afternoons

Can someone suggest any venues for live blues or jazz on a Saturday afternoon. Much appreciated.
submitted by lesham67 to Calgary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 MidLife_Crispy Bedtime story with Tsuki

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a giraffe who liked each other…
submitted by MidLife_Crispy to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 elololescocos Hi, could anybody help me out ?

submitted by elololescocos to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Plenty_Competition60 Breaker siemens (ayuda)

Buenas tardes comunidad, alguien por acá tiene un breaker de 20 marca Siemens? Hago la consulta por acá porque no hay en existencia en Nicaragua.
submitted by Plenty_Competition60 to Nicaragua [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 LaughingStormlands The mods are angry they're being reported. Continue to do so!

The mods are angry they're being reported. Continue to do so! A few days ago I posted this thread about reporting Schnapplegangers (the main Korn mod and culprit in the mass banning as) for a lack of integrity:
This caught his attention and he briefly unmuted me to claim I was wrong, and began linking to the mod rules as a counterclaim.
As I said in my last post, the only way the sub will improve is if people keep the pressure on and continue to report them. It's clearly starting to have some semblance of effect now, so please continue to do so.
submitted by LaughingStormlands to adidasxkorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Jaaacksonnn How/where can I "write off business expenses" when filing taxes via turbo tax?

Hi. I started a business last year in 2024. Sole proprietorship. Very small-scale endeavor (for now, at least) - Very minimal overhead, startup costs and profit.
From what I understand, things that you spent money on to help you startup (and maintain) your business are things that you can write off as a business expense. Meaning, you can include these business expenses in your tax report and thus potentially have to pay less taxes/get more of a refund (if any) etc.
I paid several subscription fees to design a logo. I ordered business cards. I designed and ordered flyers. I designed and ordered merchandise - t-shirts, I paid a DBA fee. And more.
All of these expenses are expenses that went directly towards starting my business.
Am I correct in my as$umption that I can get more of a tax break by accounting for and submitting these expenses when filing taxes?
If so, I didn't see any section in the self-serve turbo tax tax return platform whereby I can include or submit these business expenses.
Any insight helps. Thanks.
submitted by Jaaacksonnn to TurboTax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Aldoggy101 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Aldoggy101 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Rickdakiddd Toxic

Pls check this out guys. Reviews are welcome 🙏🏻. Made it in BandLab
submitted by Rickdakiddd to Bandlab [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Syepatch Looking to buy a colt saa. Know any good places to look?

I’m looking to buy a Colt SAA in .38 special. Anyone know good places to buy one in person or online? Preferably one designed for smokeless powder
submitted by Syepatch to gun [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 whoisthequestion Notes on Re-reading SANDMAN: part 2 - Preludes and Noctures

I started with some thoughts on OVERTURE, which some thought were a bit tenuous and flimsy, and maybe they were right! I wouldn't stand by every comment I made here, after some reflection.
But enough people generously replied to make me think it might be worth typing up my thoughts on re-reading the whole SANDMAN saga, from the start (chronologically, so Overture first), post-Gaiman revelations, after all this time.
As I noted on the original thread, I started reading the monthlies with Sandman issue 3, I think, and I own a full set of the monthly comic, plus all the graphic novels, plus one of those luxury hardback editions, so I am or was a long-term fan of this story.
I always found Gaiman, or his persona, a bit smug and self-mythologising, and yet as I admitted in the first thread, I squeed and couldn't sleep when he replied to me once on Twitter, so... yeah.
I am sure NG announced at the end of the first monthly run that this arc was called 'More than Rubies', not this quite feeble, fancy name. If you're going to be fancy, I think you should use the right terminology, and I don't think Overture is an overture at all, in musical terms, and I don't feel these 'Preludes' are preludes, either. They are the main story, the opening chapters.
Anyway, at least overture sort of goes with prelude, thematically. Are these chapters 'nocturnes', any more than all of Sandman is 'nocturnes' BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT SLEEPING AND NIGHTTIME? Perhaps I am being too picky and should move on from the cover.
'The price of wisdom is above rubies' appears on page one, anyway.
What comes across mostly strongly to me artistically about this book is its crudeness, and sense of clumsily finding its way. The artwork is Sam Kieth pencils for the most part, until I think he left because of aesthetic differences two thirds of the way through, and it's got a grotesque, EC Horror vibe to it, with a lot of distortion and caricature, which is fine but which doesn't really fit our lasting sense of what 'Sandman' means or looks like now. Now, I think people consider 'Sandman' as a brand to be quite ethereal, elegant, reflective, wise, subtle and witty, not a throwback to vintage horror.
And this is reflective of what Sandman was originally - within the stable of DC horror, which was also quite grotesque at times. Sandman was not originally Neil Gaiman's lyrical epic - OF COURSE IT WASN'T - it was another title like the successful Swamp Thing and Hellblazer, dark and edgy, highly influenced by Alan Moore.
I think you can see Moore's style heavily in this first book, to the point of near-plagiarism, but then, who didn't plagiarise or nearly plagiarise Moore at the time?
There are oddities like Morpheus using CAPITALS for stress in his speech balloons, which I'm sure he doesn't later - maybe Gaiman learned how to show the rhythm and emphasis more subtly. There's a 'frozen' speech balloon in the opening scene, a cartoony touch that I don't think Gaiman uses again - compare with his far more subtle direction of fonts and balloons for different alien and demonic speech, later in Sandman. The letterer is not yet Todd Klein, who did remarkable work for the rest of the story, but I don't think it makes much difference, as the script would have included 'frosty balloon' to indicate a cold welcome.
Obviously I can't analyse every page, but if you do look at this opening page, the storytelling is ... uncertain, to be generous. There are at least two completely redundant panels, showing Hathaway emerging from his carriage and walking to the door. It doesn't help that the artists put whizz movement lines around this old guy. In fact, almost all of this page could be cut down to a few panels. It's no big deal, and if I was writing Sandman I'd no doubt do much worse, but this is not concise, confident comics. That's fair, of course, for NG at this point. But it is worth noticing.
There are also some ill-judged attempts at dark humor in here, I think - cheap, throwaway stuff. Stefan Wasserman, a former soldier with shell-shock, 'went over the top.' Ha ha because he went into a coma and that phrase also means surging out of a trench during warfare. At one point I think Morpheus also makes a bad pun like this, and I'll include it if I can find it again. The scenes with Scarecrow and Dee in Arkham include a callous little throwaway about a dead guard, which I think the self-consciously 'compassionate' Gaiman of later issues would not have inserted.
Morpheus - the most notable thing is that he's an ugly monster at the start, not Tom Sturridge. In fact, if you look at the fan film of Dr Dee's diner chapter, the actor who plays Morpheus here is a close resemblance to the comic book version, and he also looks nothing like angular, fey elfin Tom.
And by that point in the story, Morpheus is being drawn solely by Dringenberg, and he looks much more handsome than the previous, Keith pencilled version. Check out the panel where Lucien says 'Breaks my heart, my Lord, doesn't it?' as Morpheus returns to the ruined Dreaming. This was your hero back at the start! A long-faced gargoyle of a man.
Handsome!Morpheus only appears for the first time in the last panel of the diner episode, and it's a shock how much he's glowed up when Dringenberg solo took over. (I think this is correct anyway in terms of the artists).
I'm not going to try to suggest that Gaiman's creepiness was 'there from the start' or anything. But I was struck by a few things that jar now. Whether you have to know about his abuses to find them jarring, or whether they're jarring because times have changed, I'm not sure.
As someone else on Reddit pointed out, one of the first female characters in this story appears with this caption: 'Unity Kinkaid was RAPED.'
The whole comic is designed to be a bit edgy and dark - there's an exploding head in this issue with eyes shooting out of it - and I think to an extent this is related to the context of DC Horror, in the late 80s, written by men in their 20s for boys in their teens (mostly) and not very sensitive or female-centred.
Arguably, Dr Dee's claims that he dreamed about 'raping my mother' fall in the same category. Dee is drawn like a monster who doesn't fit into the realistic story-world, so he is already out of place and weird, so I guess it's justified for him to be deliberately shocking. But then next page, 'You had a dream about raping your mother'. It's repeated. Did I need to see that again? I guess he goes on to shout 'wanker' and 'piss and mire' and stuff like that, but I don't know.. maybe times have changed and readers have changed, but I don't love seeing the word 'rape' used gratuitously to shock.
The bit where Dee ends up on a white page which turns out to be Dream's hand is PURE ALAN MOORE, like it's very similar to the part in Swamp Thing where every character realises they're fighting the little finger of a huge hand, and also to the use of white space in Watchmen, for Ozy's antarctic base with its sliver of flowers and butterflies.
And this sequence is, I think, the first time that Dream actually looks like a pop star, like the young Robert Smith off of the Cure, in tshirt and jeans.
Basically it's a bit of an edgy dark boys' comic by and for edgy boys, and it shows Gaiman copying other people and collaging it together into something that's just about his own.
Which, if he was a good guy, would be absolutely fair. It is a weak start, but that's allowed and expected.
Didn't read the Death chapter yet as I don't feel it's truly part of the first arc, and it's where he found his voice and audience, so I think that's a different story again.
Very interested in anyone's views.
submitted by whoisthequestion to neilgaiman [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 LemonsXBombs I Know Now, Without A Doubt, Kingdom Hearts Is...

I Know Now, Without A Doubt, Kingdom Hearts Is... submitted by LemonsXBombs to kingdomheartsmemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 hhhaiiiley Where was I summer of 2022 at 6am?

Where was I summer of 2022 at 6am? submitted by hhhaiiiley to whereintheworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Boring-Jelly5633 Why do Drake fans seem to hate Abel so much ?

Why do Drake fans seem to hate Abel so much ? submitted by Boring-Jelly5633 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 ConteStefanon I might get killed in the comments...

I might get killed in the comments... submitted by ConteStefanon to Transformemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 absyisabsentrn Which ship is basically this?

Which ship is basically this? submitted by absyisabsentrn to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 SYCKPlayz1 Yet Another Indian CS Student

Demographics: Indian international, male, full pay Intended Major: Computer Science
SAT: 1550 (790 Math + 760 English) APs: CSA (5), CSP (5), Calc BC (5) English proficiency: IELTS (8), DET (150) Grades (CBSE): 88% 9th (💀), 96% 10th, 95% 11th, 97% 12th predicted

  1. Attended the prestigious IOI Training Camp and ranked 5th in the team selection tests (one away from team 🥲).
  2. Founder of training program / community for Indian IOI aspirants with 300+ students (endorsed by the official Olympiad organizers in India).
  3. Problemsetter for the ICPC India Prelims. ICPC is the world's most prestigious programming competition, participated in by college students. Created the hardest problem, solved only by 10 out of ~3000 teams.
  4. Developed an AI-powered website to preserve cultural stories.
  5. Ongoing AI research under an IIT professor
  6. Open-Source Contribution
  7. Worked on discord bot with 1M+ users
  8. Citizen Science project on asteroid discovery by IASC & NASA
  9. Finalist in a story writing competition
  10. YouTube gaming channel with 65K+ subs
During EA #2 was at 200 students and I hadn't done #3 yet.
  1. Gold Medal in the Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI), awarded to top 10 participants
  2. Official Indian team member, Asia-Pacific Olympiad in Informatics
  3. IIT Delhi Lockout (competitive programming) finalist, top 16 out of 250+ participants (mostly college students)
  4. Top 3 in IIIT Delhi Procon Jr. (competitive programming)
  5. $100 award winner in an international hackathon, made an app teaching algorithms visually & interactively
Schools: EA: UIUC (accepted), UW-Madison (accepted), UMich (deferred), Purdue (deferred), GaTech (rejected), MIT (rejected) RD: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, CMU, Caltech, UPenn, Columbia, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, University of Washington
EA felt super random with the UIUC accept and Purdue defer, I'd appreciate if y'all could tell me whether you think I have a shot at any of my RDs.
submitted by SYCKPlayz1 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Pathfinder1221 100k attack no ss equipment as f2p

100k attack no ss equipment as f2p Im stuck at chapter 103 and im wondering if im doing something wrong here. Should i be pushing for red aoq or twin lance? My progression is stopped and its very annoying. (Ive been playing for 3 months, yes im inpatient)
submitted by Pathfinder1221 to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 felinedisrespected Kyoot Itty Bitty build Part I, on Second Life Bikes.

Kyoot Itty Bitty build Part I, on Second Life Bikes. submitted by felinedisrespected to minivelo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 luix858 Sei mas RT

submitted by luix858 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 KARONGA- Cosas para hacer con mi mama en Norte o Sur de Mayaguez

Si Hola estoy buscando recomendaciones de sitios a donde ir con mi mama ya que estamos Libre. Estamos buscando un sitio bueno de verdad en otros Pueblos solamente Norte o sur de mayaguez. No restaurantes o playa tho.
submitted by KARONGA- to PuertoRico [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Southern_Trainer_152 Body Fantasies $3

Body Fantasies $3 @walmart @bodyfantasies #walmart #walmartfinds #walmartfragrance #affordablefragrances #affordablebodymist #bodyfantasiesvanilla
bodyfantasiescottoncandy #bodyfantasies submitted by Southern_Trainer_152 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:43 Latinlicioux From Colombia 🇨🇴

From Colombia 🇨🇴 submitted by Latinlicioux to GayRateMe [link] [comments]