Exciting Update on a Potential PWS Treatment: Setmelanotide Phase 2 Trial

2025.02.01 18:42 l2accoon Exciting Update on a Potential PWS Treatment: Setmelanotide Phase 2 Trial

A new clinical trial is set to begin soon to test the effectiveness of setmelanotide in people with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). This medication has been studied in other rare genetic conditions that lead to severe obesity, and now researchers hope it could also help manage hyperphagia (uncontrollable hunger) and weight issues in PWS.
Key Points to Know:

Bottom Line for PWS Families: While it’s still early days (Phase 2), this is a hopeful development in the search for better treatments to help our loved ones with PWS. Keep an eye out for updates on trial results and any potential ways to participate! (Always talk to your healthcare provider before considering clinical trial involvement.)
Read more about it here.
submitted by l2accoon to praderwilli [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 BennyBoySwish Suspicious Activity - days later?

I got hit by a stealer malware, fully wiped my machine and i’ve left it running today while i was away to redownload more files. All passwords and details changed on the day of.
Woke up this morning, not at home and got this e-mail
Activity detected
. 11 hours ago Suspicious activity in your account
. 26 January 4:54 Recovery phone added New phone: my number
. 26 January 04:53 Password changed
I was the one that added the recovery number and changed my password. I have a few g-mails and did this for all of them. This is the only one that has flagged up, so my question is since it has given me that timeline of events, has it only now flagged what i did 5 days ago as suspicious? I changed my password again just to be safe, but curious as the chances of my pc being compromised are pretty much 0.001% since nothing else i left since yesterday has had an alert.
submitted by BennyBoySwish to GMail [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Zebos2 What we value

What we value First is shoved out of the way by Brick, the first one who sensed something wrong the next thing she sees is the blade of a woman with wolf ears being driven by its wielder into brick stomach.
“What the f*** are you doing we're on the same team!”
She shouts if she levels her shotgun at her the only response the woman gives is the wretching of the blade lodged in Brick to the side to disembowel him. Before leaping into the air as he falls to his knees and decapitating him with a swift motion. First open fire with her shotgun joining the rest of squad D and the government officials in trying to stop the mind dominated wolfgirl. She watches her cut down Straightman and Jez before finally charging at First herself.
First snaps awake, she is in the Barracuda instead of the command center. She lets out a deep sigh of relief. The barracuda was squad D's de facto home, the medium suborbital transport being the thing that got them from point A to point B and also where they slept at night during most missions. It was…Spartan in terms of amenities never truly designed for long-term habitation but they made do. We're there was a lack of showers they had a rain barrel where there was no heat they made do with the heat of the engines and when they had no bed they simply slept together piled on top of each other with Brick as the bottom.
First looked up at the man checking to see if he was still breathing out of irrational paranoia. A wave of relief washed over her and she heard him snore at a volume that would be deafening for those who are not used to it.
First, has had very few people vouch for her in her life, born in the iron chains Central district shortly before the petite blood war. She had super and the claustrophobic yet endless collection of cramped and stuffy rooms and coffin apartments that was Central. There, a three meter by 3 m room was considered something to kill for were food that was algae was something to fight for and she had done both in equal measure with her gang. She had trusted them but they abandoned her to die during their failed attempt to break into the tower.
It was no surprise that she didn't trust him at first during their days at black Iron training academy. She initially thought his open hand was a cloak for a dagger in the other but he was there when she needed help. He was the one who tried to keep her out of trouble and vouch for her when she did, often serving the punishments with her as a result.
It was always him who was the dependable foundation for her and squad D Bick was there a shield and their healer when shit went FUBAR he was there heavy weapon in hand and Ward and healing spell at the ready. She appreciated him forehead. She loved him for it.
She would tell someday she promised to herself but things always seemed to come up and when things didn't she never seemed to have the courage to do so. Now was one of those moments squad D was on their way for a mission and she didn't want to burden him on the job. First grabbed Bricks arm and draped it over her like a blanket. Before adjusting the tarp there her squad collectively uses as a blanket to cover him better before attempting to go back to sleep.
submitted by Zebos2 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 True-Syllabub7988 How do you personally cope with self-doubt that creeps in the day after submitting a paper?

I’m in my 1st year of a PhD. We have 6 classes we have to pass to be “officially” accepted into the research program.
This requires 6 research papers to be submitted within a 2 month time frame.
I just finished my last one yesterday, yet instead of feeling extremely proud of myself for finishing. I am rereading my work today and feel more devastated than anything.
I know this comes up a lot and is a more abstract question. But why does it feel like someone died and I’m in mourning? than actually being proud of myself for pulling off something I know most people around me could not…
submitted by True-Syllabub7988 to PhD [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Previous-Excuse441 Rendering Layers support custom shader

Hey, I am using Unity 6 URP and am trying out the decal projector projected onto custom materials. My decal material is using Unity’s Decal shader graph, and I have added the Decal renderer feature to my Renderer.
If I have “Use Rendering Layers” disabled, the decal gets correctly projected onto my custom material since I am using:
#pragma multi_compile_fragment _ _DBUFFER_MRT1 _DBUFFER_MRT2 _DBUFFER_MRT3 #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DBuffer.hlsl"
and reading the texture information with:
ApplyDecalToBaseColorAndNormal(IN.positionHCS, decalColor, N);
Once I enable “Use Rendering Layers,” the projection stops working even though the rendering layer set within the projector and on the mesh renderer of the object using my custom material are the same.
I have looked through Unity’s Lit.hlsl shader and thus tried adding:
#pragma multi_compile_fragment _ _RENDERING_LAYERS
#pragma multi_compile _ _LIGHT_LAYERS
#include_with_pragmas "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/RenderingLayers.hlsl"
as well as:
void Frag(Varyings IN, out half4 outColor : SV_Target0 #ifdef _WRITE_RENDERING_LAYERS , out float4 outRenderingLayers : SV_Target1 #endif ) { ... [shading] #ifdef _WRITE_RENDERING_LAYERS outColor = float4(1, 0, 0.5, 1); uint renderingLayers = GetMeshRenderingLayer(); outRenderingLayers = float4(EncodeMeshRenderingLayer(renderingLayers), 0, 0, 0); #endif }
instead of simply having:
float4 Frag(Varyings IN : SV_Target)
and returning the color.
However, it appears that:
is not getting executed. And even if I remove it and always output the results, it still does not work. Everything works as expected on a second object that is the same as the first, except it is using Unity’s standard Lit material.
Does anyone know what I am missing within my approach? Thanks for the help!
submitted by Previous-Excuse441 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Abject-Foundation523 Emoções e tempo no relacionamento aberto

Não sei se aqui é o melhor sub para perguntar, mas eu queria saber algumas coisas. Me considero poligamico mas o máximo que fiz foram coisas liberais.
Cenário 1: Pessoas que namoram mas podem ficar com outras pessoas. Como é para vocês de relacionamento aberto se dedicar a pessoa que você namora e os ficantes? É confuso demais?
Cenário 2: Pessoas que namoram + de 1 pessoa. Vcs sentem algum favoritismo?
E se poderem compartilhar, como tudo começou?
submitted by Abject-Foundation523 to trisal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Zealousideal_Sun1886 [homemade] fry up

[homemade] fry up Few Guinness up the pub this afternoon and knocked up this baby when we’re got home
submitted by Zealousideal_Sun1886 to food [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 BigAmount5064 Expense tracker app recommendations

Looking for an app to record all expenses that can link to bank or sms but my data will stay private 😬
I've tried manual expense tracking .. but it's not possible always to track every transaction.
submitted by BigAmount5064 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 GhostPotato0615 Oblivion repaints

submitted by GhostPotato0615 to TransformersArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Glad_Cauliflower_414 Just finished this Dishonored Jakhal

Just finished this Dishonored Jakhal This mini was so fun to paint, love how mad max it feels
submitted by Glad_Cauliflower_414 to minipainting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Complete_Mulberry541 Inceli i femcela, koja bijeda . Od kuda izlaze ovakvi/ve

Inceli i femcela, koja bijeda . Od kuda izlaze ovakvi/ve submitted by Complete_Mulberry541 to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Nukesnipe Cooperative 'guild' concept: Trade Companies

You know what Fallen London is missing? Colonialism! Sure, colonialism was bad, but so is like... two thirds of the shit we get up to in this game, and is there anything more British than going to exotic, far-off locations to extract wealth? Tea, you say? How do you think they got the tea?
Additionally, for an online game, there really isn't that much cooperative stuff you can do. Hell, ever since Knives and Candles was taken to the glue factory, there isn't much multiplayer interaction at all. So, why not add a guild system that also functions as its own grind?
Basically, the idea is that once you become a POSI, you can start a trade company. This starts as a small import/export business ran by yourself, but you can improve it to the point that you can invite other players to help manage it. I imagine this would behave similar to Warframe's dojos and research projects, where the costs to perform research on weapon parts and the like is so high that it's infeasible for one person to do it all on their own, but all members can contribute to it, with the cost scaling based on how many people are in the trade company.
This would also function similarly to (and probably rely on the systems for) global events such as lifeberg hunts and the like. You'd perform an action or pay some items in and it'd advance a quality by like, 5 points out of 10000. And when the project is complete, it advances the trade company or gives everyone a payout, based on how the trade company is structured.
As for where you're getting your wealth from, that'd be decided as a group, or by the people running the trade company. You could have your trade company focused on the Elder Continent, the Khanate or the Hinterlands, for instance. Each one would have different challenges and payouts, and there might even be some light competitive elements between trade companies to see who's truly the MVP of colonialism. This would probably tie into the trade company scaling, so companies with 5 people aren't competing against companies with 500.
So yeah, that's basically my idea. It's not a serious suggestion, I'm not gonna go "wtf fbg why didn't you add my idea!" or anything. I don't know if it'd even be possible with their tech, and it probably wouldn't be worth the effort of implementing until at least Firmament is complete in a few years.
submitted by Nukesnipe to fallenlondon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Namelesscultt What do you think about this quote?

This is my ultimate favorite quote in the entire anime "We're what? Second in the nation? Or was it third? Ah, who cares which it was? It doesn't matter. That was all yesterday. Yesterday is gone. Yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. They've all been converted into muscle. What matters is this — What are we gonna do today?" and then he continues in the anime I think to say "if we hold on to yesterday what will you become tomorrow" Whenever I'm tired and I'm fed up and I just wanna quit I always think back to this quote "yesterday is gone" so I should just stop weighting it on my mind. If I didn't spend it hustling I'd probably be scrolling and watching random stuff. So it's ok I just have to keep pushing because all the effort I put in turns into muscle (metaphorical muscle). And it does. These moments of rewards when you look back on how far you've become and all the things you got back for your hard work. It does turn into MUSCLE. So it doesn't matter if I'm tired now cause future me will be a better version for it. I also thing back to when Hinata during the first episodes was receiving Kageyama's shots and then he was tired and beat but he still took that step. That's why he got so far(even if it's just fiction). If I don't take that step now I'll never be better. There were so many moments that changed something in me when I watched haikyuu. What were those moments for you? Would really love to hear it (I have no one to share these talks with cause none of them are in their Haikyuu faze and once I start talking about Haikyuu I don't shut up and I'm pretty sure they don't care)
submitted by Namelesscultt to haikyuu [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Both-Improvement8552 New twist in the story and people still think Manipur is just a private issue of the state

submitted by Both-Improvement8552 to Northeastindia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 randomness22yt Stream at 720p Vod at 1080?

Is there anyway i can livestream to twitch at 720p60fps and have a vod saved to twitch or my pc that is at 1080p? I cant find a way to do so.
submitted by randomness22yt to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Its-Picklerick New 24 f250 platinum

New 24 f250 platinum Does this seem legit? Haven't negotiated anything yet. I don't want to pay for the ad ons so those will get discussed. Will probably sit on this deal for a week or 2
submitted by Its-Picklerick to newcardeals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 dad2electricboogaloo H3H3 Content Cop Please

It would be so funny. I know he isn't doing content cop anymore, but I would love to have Ian's snarky thoughts on the direction H3 had taken.
submitted by dad2electricboogaloo to Idubbbz [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 CalledToTheVoid Looking for a cable modem/router combo that allows me to limit bandwidth to specific devices.

I recently moved into a new apartment and it came with a cox modem/router combo and I went with them and their 250mb/s service. It works surprisingly well and even my Xbox series s has been able to make full use of that speed. The problem is that when I connected my laptop and started updating a game on it, it devoured every last drop and left nothing for the Xbox.
Thankfully, it was a steam game that was updating and I was able to limit its bandwidth through steam, but it’s a hassle when using multiple platforms. I want the most download speed possible without kneecapping my network or the different platforms.
I do have an asus router, RT-BE86U, but it’s been collecting dust in my storage unit since over purchased it because the last place I was at also had internet over coax and this doesn’t have a coax port. I’m not even sure it has the capability to do what I want to with it.
Don’t assume I know anything about this subject. I only own the asus router because it was very highly rated at the time. I just want to know how I can connect this router, assuming it has those controls, to my supplied modem and whether it’s the most secure way to go about this, or a recommendation on a solid cable modem/router combo that will provide me with bandwidth limiting capabilities for each device on the network.
Any help and advice is appreciated. Thank you for your time.
submitted by CalledToTheVoid to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Important_Ad6591 Bus and Taxi road question.

Just drove trough a road that’s for taxis and buses from 8am to 6pm. I drove trough at 6:02 pm exactly, london time. Pretty sure camera went off. Surely I don’t have to pay for this as it was meant to be opened?
submitted by Important_Ad6591 to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 babyfacedadbod Over heating…

2011 Maxima
The car keeps running hot. Mechanic checked the thermostat which he said is fine and fixed a radiator hose that was bad. Its a ton better so far…
My question is, shouldnt the electric fan come on when I turn the car off?
He said the fans are working but its still running hot sometimes, if the car knows it hot why wouldn’t the fan stay on after I shut it off to keep cooling the engine down?
submitted by babyfacedadbod to Nissan [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 mikehiler2 WTH am I doing wrong here??

Like, all these magnificent posts about these incredible buildings are all over the place. Especially the ones that boasts "using vanilla building techniques." I'm no stranger to building things and am currently sitting at just shy of 500 hours, but these "techniques" all require using iron wood inside the structure in order to give that structure the better Iron Wood support. eg: you want very tall stone structures, you place iron wood within them and they can go up to 13 stacks high.
I'm trying to do this, but it isn't working! I have the perimeter set with vertical iron wood and, in order to support the first floor, I'm also using diagonal iron wood. The problem is exactly what's in the picture! I have it connected to the perimeter beams, but it shows bad support! How is this even possible! What on earth am I doing wrong here!
I also do not want to use creative mode at all this run, just use locally sourced materials.
submitted by mikehiler2 to valheim [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 Chazbobrown11 How to beat Yarnaby?

Dude feels like he's straight up cheating but trying not to make it obvious, constantly on you no matter where you go, constantly pacing back and forth outside of hiding spots, plus he can just straight up kill you in them if he gets bored
pair this with the map for his puzzle being the size of a small country making it super overwhelming, genuinely no idea how you're meant to beat this bloodhound
submitted by Chazbobrown11 to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 ILLUSTRATIVEMAN_ The battery monitor for the Wacom Pro M, does not work on my Mac

the Battery Monitor stopped working. Now the only way to tell wegart level the battery is, is to wait for the "low battery" warning message to pop up.
I have had nothing but problems with the Wacom driver since I installed it last month. It is the latest vesrsion, ( 6.4.8-3a), and yes I have re-installed it, ( multiple times). The usual problem is after the blue connection times out. When I re-connect the wifi, the pen may or may not work. FYI the pen is less than two feet from thr mac-mini. it seems more stable lately. this problem happens only every couple of days now.
The battery monitor issue, is super annoying because it havent worked at all for at least a week.
Does anyone else make wacom drivers?
submitted by ILLUSTRATIVEMAN_ to wacom [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 molleetay Curled feetsies

Curled feetsies submitted by molleetay to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 18:42 ShmeagleBeagle This just happened up the road from me!

This just happened up the road from me! submitted by ShmeagleBeagle to MustangsCrashing [link] [comments]
