Couple sandwiches I made in the air fryer the other day

2025.02.01 16:44 bdog1321 Couple sandwiches I made in the air fryer the other day

Couple sandwiches I made in the air fryer the other day Steak on a garlic Parm bagel, panko chicken with gojuchang sauce
submitted by bdog1321 to eatsandwiches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 AltCtrl00 É a aranha ou é só a casca?

Achei essa sujinha (por causa das teias feias) aqui em casa. Minha dúvida é qual aranha é, e se essa é realmente ela ou só a casca. Tentei encostar na teia, ela balançou mas não pareceu se mexer, mas sei lá, não vou encostar lá direto não.
Ela tem uns 3 ou 4 cm de tamanho. Como em Curitiba, Paraná.
submitted by AltCtrl00 to BiologiaBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 IridescentButterfly_ Clothing and shoes rehomes?

I’m loving these rehome posts and would love to see more clothes and shoes! I’m a size 2 in US dress size and 40 shoe. Post all sizes for other people too though!
submitted by IridescentButterfly_ to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 cmmaximumchill Anyone interested in this 2003 Burger King toy set?

I used to collect these, this is a complete set of 8 2003 Dexter’s Lab toy set from Burger King. They’re all in great condition. I’ve seen complete sets go for about $80-$100, so I figured maybe I’d ask $50 for mine? If anyone is interested just let me know. Thank you!
submitted by cmmaximumchill to DextersLaboratory [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Independent_Car_1398 Autista, aiuto per estero

Salve ragazzi, ho conseguito recentemente le patenti superiori (CE / DE / CQC persone e merci) e vorrei usarle per lavorare all' estero. Inizialmente volevo fare un po' d'esperienza in Italia e poi partire ma nella mia città il mercato del lavoro è morto e quelle poche aziende che ci sono non danno la possibilità di iniziare ad autisti neofiti perché cercano già persone con molta esperienza. Secondo voi come dovrei procedere? Ho già fatto il c.v in inglese e dovrei specificare nella lettera di presentazione che sono neofita. A quali siti di annunci di lavoro potrei affidarmi oltre Eures? Ho visto che in Norvegia è possibile fare la stagione come autista di bus con solo l'inglese (ho il B2) ma sarei interessato anche a Svezia e Danimarca. Qualche consiglio? Grazie
submitted by Independent_Car_1398 to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Wolfy4226 Help deciding next level to take?

Artificer 3/Wizard 5 currently. Just planned to go into art for int to hit/dmg plus mind sharpener.
Regarding spell slots, I know if I go to Wizard 17 I'll have a ninth level spell slot, but will I be able to access/use ninth level spells? It almost always seems like I get access to the spell slot, then get access to the actual spell level for learning them a level later
So I'm wondering if it would be better to take another level in artificer to get the ASI/Feat instead.
submitted by Wolfy4226 to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 futureman07 Went ice fishing for the first time!

Went ice fishing for the first time! Knocked off one of my bucket list items and went ice fishing in Northern Michigan for the first time. Biggest walleye I got was 24inches.
submitted by futureman07 to FishingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 mhdalshalabi [Watch Dogs series] 100% 3 games was a fun journey

[Watch Dogs series] 100% 3 games was a fun journey submitted by mhdalshalabi to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Kingowlta31 B4B 4 left boost back immediately $guccigoon99 dm me

submitted by Kingowlta31 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Growth_Still AIOR I can’t tell if my colleague is flirting or not and it’s confusing

I started a job a few months back and it’s remote, we finally met as a team in person last month. It’s a small team and everyone’s very nice, and we had a good time. I hung out with one of the guys I work with and we got along well, I didn’t really think much of it but we were spending a lot of time just talking and hanging out. I know he has a girlfriend because he’s mentioned her before and he knows I’m single.
Once we got back from this trip he started kind of texting me but only from his work phone, but sending lots of pictures. I’ve tried to keep the conversation normal and stuff but he goes through these like days where he will text me a lot and be kind of flirty (imo) - sending triple texts if I don’t answer, always asking questions, and again, always sending me pictures and selfies. I do think he’s cute but I know he has a girlfriend. I can’t tell what his intent is. He seems very nice but it does feel flirty. He will also call me a lot just to check in on things and we will end up talking for awhile just about life and things, I don’t really remember exactly. We joke around a lot but that’s just how I am, I am like that with everyone tbh. He also will give me lots of compliments.
This past week he was texting me a lot and sending pictures and then just stopped. I had sent a message about something work related the next day and he fully ignored it, and basically has been ignoring me at work too. I don’t really know what to think of it but it’s making me overthink communicating with him about work stuff - am I bothering him, is there something else I can speak with, does he think I’m just trying to talk to him etc. I just don’t know what to do, if at all. I don’t know why he texts me a ton and then just ignores me like he never said anything at all. It might just be my overthinking. Is there anything I can say/do? Girls have an instinct (yk what I mean) where we can just tell when a guy is flirting. I’m kinda ducked up in the head though and like attention so I may just be misinterpreting? I’m nervous to make a statement to him about remaining professional in case I am misreading his intent, but the back and forth of talking a lot and then ignoring is blurring the line on how we speak work-wise. I’ll admit, I do find him attractive and he’s very nice, but we are colleagues, he has a girlfriend, and we don’t live remotely near one another (different states).
submitted by Growth_Still to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Beneficial_Today2919 Where do you go and what do you do when you're sad?

submitted by Beneficial_Today2919 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Western-Technician79 Body Lotion

Does anybody like the sympathy for the skin lotion? I’ve smelt it in store a couple times and it seemed like it had no scent. I don’t know if it’s because they kept the lid off of it but I really thought I would enjoy it because of the banana but didn’t smell anything
submitted by Western-Technician79 to LushCosmetics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Right_Guidance1505 First exam is on 22nd Feb. What to do?

I wanna score good marks cuz I don't wanna get into a bad college
submitted by Right_Guidance1505 to CBSECommerce [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 seolatino Best Art Dealers located in Coral Gables

Coral Gables is home to some of the best art dealers, offering a dynamic range of fine art, contemporary pieces, and rare collectibles. These galleries provide expert curation and personalized service, making them a destination for collectors and art enthusiasts alike, contributing to the area's vibrant cultural scene.
submitted by seolatino to ArtMiamiMagazine [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 mattrussell2319 Cupping Laurinas

I did a cupping, inspired by an Excelsa sample from decaf.before.death. I believe both are types of Laurina. Not strictly pourover but I thought it would be fun to share and encourage others to try cupping. And it's helped me decide which to use for my pourovers.
Kawa Salvador Laurina - Light body - Lovely acidity - Floral - Citrussy - ‘Lemon cake, Green apple’ from notes; agreed - Sweeter - Fruit flavours increase as it cools
Kontext Excelsa - Lots of body - Dark cherry - ‘Cherry, watermelon, crème brûlée' from notes; yes - Cherry and watermelon increase as it cools - Malty, dunkel beer - A little fizziness like something fermented (which it is!) - More bitterness, but not unpleasant - Good umami
I think I prefer the Kawa, at least by this method, but golly the Excelsa was interesting - yeast innoculated anaerobic fermentation so not surprising!
Cupping method; KINGrinder K6 at 90 clicks 12 g with 200 ml water in 240 ml bowl 60 g/l
submitted by mattrussell2319 to pourover [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Kaidan_from_Alberta So this was a waste right?

So this was a waste right? They absolutely wasted scorch in the bad batch, his first episode was ok, but after that it was like the opposite of fan service and using a legacy character correctly
submitted by Kaidan_from_Alberta to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 giuseppemll Recomiendan comprar está base de carga?

Recomiendan comprar está base de carga? Estaba pensando en comprar una base de carga para mis controles de ps5, pero me da miedo dañar la batería entonces pregunto por aquí si está marca/base es recomendable
submitted by giuseppemll to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Winter_Ingenuity4729 Is this valuable?

submitted by Winter_Ingenuity4729 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Cold-Dependent7306 Anyone else create cheat sheets for their favorite games? I got tired of calculating probabilities in my head for Cartographers and My City: Roll and Build

Anyone else create cheat sheets for their favorite games? I got tired of calculating probabilities in my head for Cartographers and My City: Roll and Build submitted by Cold-Dependent7306 to soloboardgaming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Salt-Psychology1094 Gemma 1 profound farmer

Just rerolled to Gemma 1 cause I felt like I hit a cap on my Iris 1. Seems like Ring of ice or Moon strike is meta. Which would be easiest to get comfortably to Profound with? I already have burst activation and surging (uncorroded).
submitted by Salt-Psychology1094 to TorchlightInfinite [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 EmilSumovskij Fitting recent work on my model friend

Fitting recent work on my model friend Hi guys! Fitting some of my recent work on my friend Jacob. I figured some of you might appreciate it, though based in London some of the design work I’ve done over the years has been at brands that have some of their primary customers in Japan, such as EXTRALESS, Omar Afridi, Per Gotesson. Think it has formed my personal aesthetic in that way, and when researching Kapital always seeps into my design references :)
Jacob wears the Knot Hoodie in grey and red, the Double Breasted Fur Jacket and the Button Pleated Shorts in brown corduroy ✂️
My name is Emil, I’m 23, based in London. Previously worked as a design assistant at Jawara Alleyne and Per Gotesson, now doing design, pattern cutting and sampling for EXTRALESS. I make my own stuff whenever I’m not working, and this is just some of it. Let me know what you think!
submitted by EmilSumovskij to japanesestreetwear [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Snypse Twilla (THF) standing at Lil Marc 🕊️ (051) death site

Twilla (THF) standing at Lil Marc 🕊️ (051) death site submitted by Snypse to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Elyas2 i made a package for nvidia 570.86.16 driver for void linux

i have installed the driver on my system and it works flawlessly. now how do i actually make a repo to add to xbps? my github repo is here with the driver:
submitted by Elyas2 to voidlinux [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Plenty-Panda6070 Help me in Engineering drawings😭😭😭

submitted by Plenty-Panda6070 to IOENepal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 CarobRecent6622 [i ate] yesterdays breakfast, lunch,dinner & snack

[i ate] yesterdays breakfast, lunch,dinner & snack Oatmeal w/ nuts and dates
Mashed sweet potato ground taco turkey cheese
Teriyaki chicken with edamame broccoli qnd rice
submitted by CarobRecent6622 to food [link] [comments]